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gally last won the day on November 24 2011

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About gally

  • Birthday 05/09/1989

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    EU, Slovenia
  • Interests
    Car Audio, Cars, ATVs, girls, and alot of stuff....

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  1. so there was a guy at the red light and he was yelling to shut down the music so he could listen to politics..me being an ass..i turn it up even more and added some bass in it..he then closed the window.. then i turned it up even more.. and watched him laughing my ass off..he was bitchin all the red light...

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    2. MrSkippyJ


      I have honestly never played my music loudly at a stop light. so it's not an act at all. Especially when it obviously pisses someone off because it effects them trying to listen to what they want to listen to. But keep on making us look like fucking idiots and pretending it's no big deal.

    3. omg_spoon


      ^like that guy

      dont you have a loud bike? im sure that doesnt effect anything. everyone has played their music loud when they "werent supposed" too. stock system or not. am i advocating going ham at every stop light? no. they arent gonna magically ban stereos overnight cause some dude blasted at someone else

    4. MrSkippyJ


      i don't have a loud bike, no. I'll say it again. I do not play my music loud at stop lights. Ever.

      And lets not ignore the fact that he was doing it specifically to piss someone off.

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