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Everything posted by iceman1575

  1. In a Malibu? I'm sure there's more room, unless you're trying to save space. Me personally, I'd go with a single 18 just because it would sound cool to say you have an 18 in a car, but then again I have duct tape and a piece of tuppoware lid holding my front bumper together...
  2. Born and raised in the Steel City, you know who I have to root for I LOVE how people on Facebook decide that they're magically a Steelers fan because they kicked the Jets' ass in the AFC Championship. Checked it halfway through the game, and 95% of the posts were people saying they're rooting for the Steelers, when half of them I've known to be Bengals fans ( ). Sorry, but if you weren't born in the Steel City or been a fan for 99% of your life, you aren't a real Steelers fan and people like you need to be thrown off the edge of Heinz Field into the river & float down to the Gulf and be picked up by some fisherman who will harvest your organs for Superbowl ticket money.
  3. Meh, I (99% of the time) NEVER trust a dealer's opinion. I was down talking to a shop about some stuff, and they said Memphis is better than Fi, DD, AA, AQ, all of them combined. They're all Memphis, and to be honest, the two Mojo's they put in a GTP have nothing on my AQ 12's o.o They tried to seal the box off from the rear....
  4. Old enough to know when to say something positive and not hateful. You don't have to be a kid to watch random videos. It's better than watching child pr0n or that Fred kid...
  5. No. If you look on most big setups, they have speakon-like twist-lock connectors for power, connection, etc. They're like 3-6 inches across.
  6. I know that. I'm talking about the power itself. I've seen those giant twist-lock connectors used on bigger systems.
  7. Sorry for the bumpage, but out of curiosity, any word from the big cheese? I think I'd rather see this used conservatively than post dumps saying "+1" or "^^ this" all the time...
  8. Anyone have any idea where I can find out about how large PA systems power multiple amplifiers? I'm going to be getting two XTi 4000's at 4 ohms (3200 watts apiece) along with a chosen mid/high amp (more than likely my current EP2500) and varying processing gear. Also, for the big guy, how you liking your XTi's, and what are you running them off of power wise? Single 20 amp circuit, multiple, etc. Help a follower/silver member out? Thanks to anyone that helps.
  9. 1. Walk into said establishment 2. Establish peace talks 3. ??? 4. PROFIT!!! Anyways, insurance isn't to blame, it's the company itself. If they aren't willing to help, then they aren't getting the full story or understanding it correctly. You got ripped off, screwed over, jacked up etc. Did you sign anything in paper with them saying what they were to do? Could be very useful if you go to court Either way, good luck buddy, and hope the best comes out for you.
  10. I found it! WTF Kitty?! - watch more funny videos Sorry if this is old news, got it on Facebook and it has amused me since last night.
  11. I use Soundtaxi. It's payware, but it works great. Does audio & video files. I'm actually converting MPG's to WMV's to edit for Youtube right now.
  12. Just got home from my first time driving alone in snow. Was at a DJ gig about half an hour away (regular drive) in Huntington and the snow came outta nowhere. Left about 12:05, Huntington's wonderful street department hadn't done a single thing. Barely tap the gas, and the tires spun. Took me at least 30 minutes to get to the KY state line, which usually would take about 15. Once I hit the KY border, it was smooth sailing, aside from a few patches. KDOT had their shit together, as well as the BCSD. I was surprised I made it up the hill to my apartment (I'll take a picture tomorrow, too cold to go back outside ). For my first time in the snow, I'd say I did pretty good
  13. It's amazing how a simple event that should have never happened can change someone's (or a group of people's) life. There was a standoff about a week ago about 3 miles down the road, luckily the man gave himself up. My thoughts and prayers go to the family of the deputy and her family & friends, as well as her colleagues. Officers of the law get a lot of shit for what they do, even if it wasn't their fault, but they deserve a LOT more respect than they get. Although I'm not legally allowed to carry a gun yet, I support weapons as long as they are used reasonably. If you have it for self-defense in a troubled area, then you have every right to keep one for self-defense. That's the ONLY reason I will ever have a gun, is for self defense or controlled sport.
  14. I have said before. I'm pretty sure I typed it up two or three times. I'll look and see.
  15. I did. Public schools suck. I kid. Yeah, a real eye opener. If you haven't seen the other 223626463463 topics then it's not worth repeating. Definitely.
  16. Just got back from court. Put me on a diversion agreement for 6 months. All restrictions are lifted, no more house arrest, no more solitude, as long as I stay out of trouble for six months.
  17. woot woot for diode dynamics. there led bulbs are the shit. I heard they were great on GPF.net, went with that recommendation, and judging by how they are on a 12v .5amp supply I spliced, they are bright as hell. That's what I'm doing with mine. I may buy another set and do those in just white and see which I look better.
  18. The replacements from Diode Dynamics. And no, didn't order anything from KK, I forget which one it is... I am. Lol. Only problem is my dad misunderstood and got blue LED's instead of white. Meh, oh well, won't need them on when the car is moving, I think...
  19. I figured I'd get these in a couple weeks instead of over the New Years weekend. Still waiting on my stereo stuff, even though one of the companies is only a few hours away in Ohio...
  20. +1 I liked the sound of my S's over my CVR's, and the S's are the lower model from Alpine. Have you tried comparing the sound of both?
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