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Everything posted by AA98hoe

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  2. not to rain on your parade but real world power is going to be much lower after box rise. id start at a lower imp to get max power
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  5. you have to remember box rise im only getting half my power to my xls
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  15. my best score is 154.4 sealed on the dash at 38hz im running 4 xl 18s in a way too small box off of 2 DD m4s strapped at .7 rising to 4.6 and giving me 5400 watts. im going to mess with my port today to try and get my rise down
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  17. go for the neos chode the 6s have a 4" coil and handle more power.but i like the neos i think the neos on 4 3500s for you would be devastating. damn i should be quiet, now you are going to be louder than me if i had the cash thats what i would do
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  19. what kinda power? imo the box is a lil to high, sounds good though
  20. well i clamped it yesterday and i have bad rise my amps are making some power though 5646 watts at 4.6ohms amp start at .35. my numbers stayed the same on burp. i think my barns doors and rear doors are depressurizeing at 154dbs nbo matter what i try it stays there. but i can play music much much louder hit a 148 at 30hz on 1 song made the box jump and strippin out my woofer mounting screws. i bought some 1/4 t nuts and bolts to stop that. the bass loosens all my speaker screws it sucks. anyhow working on a new port and hopefully my rise will come down. anyone with any suggestions? help me out. id love to get more power from my amps from a lower ohm load. oh and my voltage is fine stays in high 13s (3 220amp irragis )
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