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Everything posted by Thewes

  1. How much distance should I start to worry? It might be a little bit less.
  2. From the back of my seats leaned all the way back, to the back of my hatch, is roughly 47 something inches. Now my box design is 40 inches, giving it 7 inches or less of breathing room. It is a huge 6x35 slot port in the back. I've heard different things about ports and their breathing room, just curious how I can take care of this.
  3. Well if you get 4 fully loaded BL's (Cooling and flatwind) then they can take about 1500 RMS musically on a clean signal with no clipping. So you would need about 6000 watts total to power 4 BL's efficiently.
  4. I'll give whoever takes my 500 pound box/amp/speaker conglomeration a standing ovation if they manage to get it out.
  5. Not like that would matter though, I figure if anything- the choke point would be the tinsels, now I could understand if the tinsels were in 4 gauge wire, but wouldn't anything larger than the tinsels just be somewhat pointless?
  6. I'm sure this has been recommended already, but I use that rubber/carpet fiber material that is used under big carpets to keep it from sliding around. Its pretty thick and it works pretty damn well. Just cut it to the size of the amp, double side tape it on, then mount the amp.
  7. Does it really even benefit when having larger gauge speaker wire? How so?
  8. I'm down here in Florida and just got 15% on my windshield yesterday. After a days worth of driving and passing several cops head on, none have even slowed down, but I can only hope my luck keeps up. Looks good though, makes driving in the day alot easier.
  9. Anyone know if GTO makes covers like that for 03-06 GM cars? (Escalade, Yukon, Tahoe, etc)
  10. I think that truck is in the same year-model span as mine, being 03-06. I just cant find those covers anywhere. If not then those covers are or 07-08 and I am shit out of luck.
  11. Got the amp clamped and tested today. It is performing perfectly. Insane. All I have to say.
  12. Are those fronts really covers? How do they seem to blend in with the car? Im so confused. And john, can you guys do this to my truck for me
  13. Im a bit confused at what you said man. Those front headlights are definitely not covers (or its impossible to judge from the pictures) but yeah I am looking for a body shop in my area to do that, just want to make sure they can do it right.
  14. Im just trying to find out how they did those heads and tails so when I go to my body shop they can get me a quote. Im doing something similar.
  15. I've been looking around and I was curious if anyone knows the owner of this truck or who did the work on it?
  16. Yeah I assume if its going to distort at all its better to be distorting from another device than directly from the signal coming out of the amp (having a high gain). I just havent come around to finding a cheap pre out booster.
  17. Gains set correctly with multimeter, but naturally its high due to my headunit having 2v preouts.
  18. Yeah or atleast without proper electrical. Despite the fact, even if the amp is 100% fine (which I'm assuming it is from the weeks worth of testing), the amp had to be well below .5 ohms. The BL coils Ive heard are like 1.5-1.7, so that would put me at what, like .35?
  19. 40 amp, I honestly have no idea how it happened. In the other thread where I explain the story someone had a theory that the note it hit brought it down real close to the actual impedance the amp was running at and it just drew a huge amount of current and the fuses flamed up instead of blowing. Its really amazing though, 20 minutes after they flamed I popped the gaping hole burnt fuses out and put some new ones in. Worked 100% fine and after about a week works exactly the same. Just a shame such a nice amp had to get burnt on the outside like that. Oh well. Im still going to have this sent in and clamped/etc. I want to be 100% sure it works 100% to its potential. Here are the fuses, pretty bad pic, sorry. (fourth ones in my car somewhere)
  20. Well the radio shack fuses I put in the amp previously seemed to fucking CATCH on fire when they blow. I dont know, maybe I have a lawsuit here?
  21. No visible damage to the amp internals/guts. It performs the same audibly, so I guess the only apparent damage would be the burn marks. Cleaned up pretty nicely, eh?
  22. Got it thanks to big steve... http://www.centerlinewheels.com/wheel_deal...cle&data=76 Anyone know if these are good quality rims?
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