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Everything posted by meade916

  1. rumor has it that CHP anthem was played on 106 KMEL this weekend - thats the OG Bay area (San Fran/Oakland etc) radio station and that is BIGTIME!!! congrats Psyph!!!!
  2. Psyphs new album has been on Itunes for about a week or two and i havent said much about it because i have been busy....but hey if you guys liked the first 16 songs that Psyph, Chicken and Dee from HWP gave us all for free (and more on the way), then support a brotha and drop $9.99 on this album! If you cant swing it, snatch up a .99 cent song or two just to show some support! http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-beautiful-imperfection/id374869255 (if this link doesnt work just open Itunes and search Psyph the Beautiful imperfection) I already bought it twice, once for my iphone and once in the Tahoe (mac-mini) even though i can get it free - because sometimes you just gotta chip in a little also, again, there is more free shit coming from Chicken Hill Studio soon so the more support you show the more likely they get busy in the studio for us bassheads. Their ears are glued to what you guys are saying and they love the feedback, especially on the slappers..... thanks guys!!
  3. i was at my shop for a few yesterday checkin out my new Tower from the other day and while im in there i hear my door jingling - i guess i was spotted LOL! They wanted a demo so i gave them a quick one before i went back to my business for the day.
  4. Finally hit the BIG 50! 50 MILLION that is! meade916 Videos Uploaded: 473 Video Views: 50,028,135 Favorites: 151 Channel Type: Channel Views: 2,897,633 Subscribers: 48,355
  5. lets see, a 98 civic DX with a wall and needing paint/body work after being stolen and vandalized - or a 2009 Lexus loaded to the gills. I gotta go with the Lex. at this point, i gave the civic to my son antheny. I honestly dont feel like driving it anymore. I will work on the system with him though!
  6. i dont know yet, i will look and see sometime soon. First thing i need is that "watts-link" thing to even out the back. Tahoes are like that, the rears drop sideways and one tire tucks a little more then the other. This thing should fix that. got it bro thanks for the info. I am still shopping, i will let you know if i decide to go that route. I will more then likely get something local so i can see what it looks like in person before i buy. thanks!!
  7. ya.....i could rip it all out and attempt to lay frame - but i would rather have my beat at this point. I just like that its a little lower then it was. I really like that i could eat dinner off my front end pieces now because its all so clean under there. Plus i got the other car now so i dont have to get the hoe as dirty on a day to day basis....I drove it today to get my balljoints greesed and all the little fittings too - and i really enjoyed driving it for a change instead of the same old commute.
  8. went ahead and dropped the Tahoe another 2" when aired out and also i can ride 2" lower then i did without much of a problem. I do need to work on getting the rear to drop a little harder. Either way, i needed to change my wheel bearings so why not slap a new, lower spindle in while you have it all tore apart This is the height it was. Naturally them big ass brakes of mine had to rub on something........but i took care of that with the quickness -
  9. i have white or black with chrome lip - 20" is preferrable with a 25-30 series tire.
  10. funny you should say that, i was just thinkin that last night LOL - i only have one though ATM. Not totally against this idea! That and a pair of 10's 4th/6th order up thru the deck lid should be really nice! i got a few emails from a couple people......none of which had links to a website to look at rims. Just names. That doesnt help me unless im getting such a deep discount that its worth the extra effort from me. If its all costing me the same, i might as well go to a site that has everything i want and i can see what im getting. I know you feel me on that! thanks! everyone is an arm-chair car buyer - if i bought a Ferarri, they would say i didnt get the right one i got the shitty one. to be honest, i know my Lex isnt the sickest one out there but im a "built NOT bought" kinda guy anyway so the little things i do to make it better are more fun then buying it ready to go. Id love to have that F series though i cant lie hahah! But on the real, the car didnt even get the greatest review compared to other luxery cars like the comparible BMW - but i am in love with it! Its so nice, clean, quiet, smooth - and is pretty fast stock (for me). I dont street race or burn out with my cars so thats not a problem. As the days go by and i figure out little things to add performance to it, you know i will! Also i know its not the big-body Lex, its just a little Is250........but something very sporty about it. The interior wraps around you and it has a good feel to it when driving. I love the dash and all the bells/whistles it came with. so anyone who dont like my new ride, go buy something YOU like - im stuck paying $750 a month for 5 years and an ADDITIONAL $200 on my insurance per month......so in a nutshell, $950 a month to own this car - if someone dont like it, they can write the check for me to get something better LOL. Its my first Lexus and maybe i will upgrade on the next one! baby steps here! to those that do actually like it, thanks!
  11. thanks!! i admit, they are some of my best. Surprised even myself when i popped up the mask and looked at em
  12. this is what i spent all weekend doing. I was taking video and forgot to take pics until i was already halfway done so it sorta just starts where i finished welding my plate for the Shockwave. The reason i changed them is because my older DJM lower control arms had bad balljoints and they were road beat for the last 6 years. They were mainly just ugly and greasy. The upper control arms were always stock and i wanted them to match the lowers so i got them too. In the process, i got all new balljoints too which was good because they were in BAD shape. Anyway here is the pics and a little vid on the way - its over 700mb and 1080 so its taking forever to process
  13. ok guys now that i have another car to roll, i actually have a chance to work on the Tahoe and one of the first things i need to do is replace the upper and lower control arms. I already have DJM 3" drop Lowers and stock uppers.......now the ball joints are so bad on the lower control arms i just got all new shit top and bottom. Anyway to the problem. The driver side came out, with a fight. The passenger lower control arm ball joint wont come out for anything! The hitting the side of the balljoint trick didnt work, the pickle fork didnt work, in fact it ripped the ball joint out of the arm itself and just left the exposed "ball" and still stuck in place. I used heat, i soaked it in wd40...any of you guys have any suggestions?
  14. its my third day owning it and its MORE then ok anyone who thinks its "just ok" has never driven or owned one. I didnt honestly think i would like it as much as i do....till i spent a few days in the cockpit.
  15. I did some serious driving tonight......went up to chicken hill. Its not called chicken hill for nothing, its a few decent HILLS on the way up there and about 1 hour drive each way from my house. The Lex drove like a dream and anyone who says its slow or a dog is full of shit or doesnt own one. This thing MOVES for just being a V6....i even busted out the paddle shifter and downshifted, passed some foo's up going UP a steep hill like they were sitting still. I know its no V8 F series but for what it is, this thing gets UP. Also, it rides extremely smooth and you cannot even hear the motor at all. When downshifting and going thru the gears you have to look at the tach to see where your RPM's are, no listening to the engine to determine when to shift LOL. anyway so far, i LOVE this thing!!!
  16. email me, i dont have my pm's on. you can also put a link here so we can all see what you carry. That would probably be best for you since you get some exposure!
  17. do you own/work at a rim shop or something? pardon me for not knowing that already what do you carry?
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