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Everything posted by hershy314

  1. I'm sorry to hear that, I know how ya feel tho. I lost a few friends cause of drinking and driving and I wont put up with it myself. I damn near broke a friends arm cause he had been drinking all day and wanted to drive and get more beer, luckily he saw it my way and stayed home.
  2. I'm sorry to hear that, I know how ya feel tho. I lost a few friends cause of drinking and driving and I wont put up with it myself.
  3. Found this on another automotive forum and thought I'd share it with ya'll. Funny, but scary to the driver when the steering wheel litterly breaks off.
  4. my youtube vid I can never do this right lol
  5. Sure I could call her, if I had the number. Yeah in 11 years I've know this girl I never got her number. Never really felt a need to ask for it, we was always working together nearly everyday. Plus I'd always run into her out side of work. So was really that hard to say I'm an idiot?
  6. I'm not, it was just a mistake to make this thread. I didn't make this ask should I go for it with her, but rather askin if I was an idiot for waiting almost 11 years
  7. Yeah I know, just never had the urge to go buy one. Used or new lol
  8. I don't mind giving up a little space, I just don't want to give up the whole thing.
  9. headphones check...ipod umm think I'm the only thing alive with out one of those. But I do like the idea bout the marine speakers.
  10. I'm sure someone has asked before but I'm too lazy to search. Anyways, when I move back home I'll be looking at getting a moped. Wont have a license for the state of Mo so I'll need some kinda transportation. So I figured why not get a 49cc moped, no need for license, no insurance, gas would last a damn long time. Problem tho is no music. How can I had some tunes without using up all my under seat storage. I've seen a few set ups on youtube and all used the storage under the seat, I wanna try and keep that. Thoughts or ideas?
  11. I wont be heading home after all, not cause I don't want too. But cause I have no reason to. I came to the realization that I would need a date for when I move back to give to the possible employers. Really doubt that I would know by the end of next month when I'll be moving back. I know that I would like to be back by the end of August, but honestly I think it will be more like September. So yeah wont be seeing her anytime soon.
  12. As the titles states I'll be visiting home for a day or two, can't really stay long due to lack of funds. Specially if I'm going to be moving back in August. I'll be talking to a few possible employers and such. Think the sooner I find work the sooner I can return home. Now for the scary part, if I run into this girl I've know for like 10 years. I'm going to do something I wanted to last time I was living back home and thats ask her out. Now before ya go sayin anything, by the time I had the time to talk to her bout that she already had a bf. Right now not sure what her story is, which is why its scary cause its unknown. Around the end of July last year when I came home for the weekend, I told her that I was going to be there, she told me that I better come see her. Thats kinda direct huh. I was also planning on moving back at that time. I told her this, I swear I've never seen anyone smile so big in my life. Unfortuneitly when I got back to Ky from being home I ended up losing my job at the time. Course that was my fault seeing how I walked out in the middle of my shift, had a stressful weekend and the job didn't help any. I did what I felt was nessessary. Only part of that trip that made it worth it was seeing this girl. But around Christmas last year she stopped getting on FB and hasn't been on since. So this time if I see her it will be a total suprise I'm sure. I'm sure that if I made this happen it would motivate me even faster to return home and make damn sure I don't leave again. Oh best part, this girl is nothing like Ford. There are many stories between me and her We aren't as close as we was back before I went to Cali, but I still feel theres a chance. Just by the small things, for example one night at this bar I used to work at with her I was playing some songs on the Juke box and needed an idea for one last song. Someone suggested "Do me a little" by fuck can't remember. She looks right at me and says "I wish someone would do me a little". I probally did the wrong thing that night, I went back to my place alone. Mistake? Well what do ya guys think. Oh and to answer ya question of who is her....her = Laura
  13. I honestly think another animal got them but unsure, the night before they went missing we had a bad storm so really not sure what happened.
  14. Don't think a restraining order would be necessary at that age, then she can simply tell our dad to f**k off. At this time there is little to nothing I can do to help, just gotta be the best big brother I can right now.
  15. If all goes right I will be heading down to Horn Lake, Ms a week from today. It's about a 3 and half hour drive to get there, I'll be stayin the night and heading back Sunday night since I gotta work Monday. She wants me to stay for the 4th also, and wish I could. Would be nice to spend more than one day down there. While I'm down there I'll get a better idea of whats going on for real. I just hope my dad is still on the road at that time, really don't wanna put up with that asshole. But either way should be a fun time.
  16. I may not live there but I do know my dad. Sure most teenagers don't get along with their parents. I really doubt my dad could even afford a lawyer, So not worried bout that. But yeah I'm just gonna sit back and just keep tabs on whats going on.
  17. well I wanting to do things legally, not gonna break any laws
  18. Ok well a few months ago I get a message from my half sister whom I have not seen since she was a year old. She is now 14 almost 15. Anyways I would like to get her away from our dad. Her mom is cool and all, but my dad is a complete douche. My sister has told me a few times that she wants to get away from there, I don't think it's anything bad. I just know her and my dad don't get along, I just hope hes not abusive like he was with me when I was little. I haven't heard of any abuse or anything, but I know my dad. She has said a few times she wishes she could come stay with me, which at this point is impossible. Since I currently live with my grandparents, I am going to be moving around august back to Kirkwood Mo. I'm from there and so is my sis, which I did not know. I know she wants to come with me, but problem being I would be moving after the school year starts. I would like to get my sister away from our dad and have her stay with me, but don't think I can. I will most likely be going down to visit her on her bday next week, they currently live in Ms. Going to be a little weird since last I saw her was 14 years ago. So any ideas of what to do? Only part I'm not looking forward to is seeing my dad, really don't like the guy. Oh yeah, he already cause my step sister to run away when she was 16, I'm not gonna let that happen to my own blood. Specially after some stories I've read on here and other sites. I know that I barely know my sister, thanks to my asshole dad. But I look out for my family. Also what do ya guys think I should get her for her bday, I know she wants games for her Nintendo DS, but no idea what games are out there for it. On a side note, according to her I am the worlds best big brother. What would you guys do in this situation?
  19. Well now I can afford to continue the build, but since I'm moving I'm calling it quits. For now at least.
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