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Everything posted by hershy314

  1. The new Taurus SHO is rated at 365 hp, and with a few mods could possibly get close to 450. Tho I don't know if that engine would work in your Taurus, but that would be cool as hell.
  2. Guess I'm going to keep an eye out for a decent looking truck. Running or not, def gotta make room in the shop for it. Think getting another ride would be easier to to than to clean this place up. Its all unorganized not my fault tho. It was like that when I moved here. Found a few cool things in there tho. Found a straight 6 motor from a early Mustang and a C4 trans from same car I'm sure. Along with lots of tools and such. This shop is 40x60 I think, so its huge. Hard to belive I can't fit a car in there. Ok so back to the topic. Thanks to you guys for the input and helping make a decision. The wagon will sit and rot. Sucks too kinda, that thing has a 351 Windsor under the hood. But like I said before I'm going to keep an eye out for a truck that needs some help.
  3. I honestly don't know if I can pull it, not with out big power. All four tires are flat plus it sank into the ground, so thats not gonna be easy to get out. It maybe too much to take on really, I know its gonna take a bit of money to put back on the road, but fresh gas and battery will make it run. If I hook a hose from a gas can to where the fuel goes into the carb from the tank. I wouldnt put the gas in the tank at this time. Learned that leason from the truck I had. I would only do that to see if the engine would even turn over. Really only reason I've considered this car is cause I already have it. I am wanting a project to work on in my spare time, Time is something I have pleanty of. Money on the other hand is another thing. I figured on this taking a year or so to do, wasn't looking to get it going this year. Maybe I'll keep this thing as a storage container which it currently is and buy something later on Idk. Always been a fan of pick-ups hmmmm.
  4. number of the beast, ftw I was begining to wonder if anyone would notice that
  5. I'll try to get more pics of it. I'm sure it will run with some fresh gas and a battery. The rust isn't too bad, barely any on the body. Not sure bout underneath yet. It's still sitting there where the pics were taken. The car actually sank into the ground there so it's going to take a bit to get it out. Yeah the Taurus will def get better mileage. But I'm looking at this car as more of a project rather than a daily driver.
  6. Ok so here is a 1980 Ford Country Squire I have just sitting behind my shop. As you can tell from the plate its been sitting for a long time. Since 1995. I was joking with my grandpa saying that I'd have better luck getting this thing back on the road than figuring out whats up with my windows in my Taurus. Then I got to thinking that this car would make a good project. What I like about it, is that it's unique and don't find too many of them on the road. Course that makes getting body parts gonna be a challenge probally. Def. needs a new hood. Also think of the system I can put in here. That comes later of course, main goal would be to get it road worthy again. So What do ya guys think?
  7. ok so drivers side front and passenger rear power windows still don't work. Motors are good, fuses check out fine, tested them with a ohm meter. Got a switch from azagtoth502, but that didnt fix it. So anythoughts?
  8. I love cars from the 30's 40's 50's and 60's but I'd be getting the same mileage as I would from a Tahoe lol. I'm not in a hurry to buy another car just yet, my Taurus still has a little life in it. Its currently got 120k on it, most of the car being factory stock. Only recently replacing a few small parts. Trying to find a power window switch for the drivers door. Can't find one in a JY, been to 4 and no luck. The Ford garage wants $98 for one...yeah screw that. The VW Golf is a good car, I'm just not a fan of the body style.
  9. I've checked out the new Fiesta/Festiva but I noticed that I couldn't add an after market head unit to them. Not a big deal, would make it look more factory lol. I do like the civic, if I went that route I'd wanna go with a 97 or new one. I don't want a brand new car, sure a warranty is great. But I wouldn't have any money for upgrades. Some of ya high school kids on here got more money than I do lol, not hatin just so ya know. But yeah, a Civic does sound like a good choice.
  10. Recently I've been thinking maybe its time for a fresh start. New (to me) car, and system. I currently have a 93 Taurus, not a bad car but when it comes to system design I have ran into more problems than I can count. On top of that, its falling apart on me and parts are becoming difficult to find. I have no idea what I want in my next car. I have some time to think about it. I need something that gets good mileage since I drive 70+ miles a day 5 days a week. Thought bout getting a small truck, an ext cab but that wouldn't give me the mileage I need, but there have been times having a truck would of been nice. I've only owned Fords so far, but rides like the 2001 and up Tahoe and Suburban are great lookin rides. I wont be goin that route tho. Only problem I have with G.Ms is that they are every where around here, thats why I've only had Ford cars. I think right now an import would be the best choice, dunno tho. Any thoughts. When I sell my car the stuff I have in it now will stay with the car that way I can start from scratch.
  11. Ok so today I got around to workin on the power window failure and discovered somthing. The motor was good. I got around to check everything again and only thing I can come up with is that the little control module? or whatever it is has gone bad. Cause I pulled all the fuses and all checked good, tested the switches and they got power going to them. But when I checked at the connector to the motor I got nothing. Any one have any ideas? I'm pretty sure I wasted $55 on a motor I don't need.
  12. sounds like what im going through, tho i still have near 10gs to go on mine.
  13. 93 ford taurus gl, checked fuses yes, no on relays (not sure where they are) and yes on the clicking of the switches
  14. I did test all the switches, not sure how one of the other switches could of gone bad since they are not used. I only use the main ones.
  15. I can't seem to figure out why 2 of my power windows wont work in my car. The drivers side front window and passenger side rear window wont go up or down. Yet the other 2 windows seem to work just fine. I checked all the switches using a volt meter and all switches and all had power cept the main one on the drivers door. Only a couple those switches seemed to be getting power to them. Am I lookin at new switches? I'm pretty sure its not the motors since 2 went out at the same time.
  16. Ok so I revamped the cold air intake and made it flow a little better, that caused some problems that werent there before. The car started to sputter and the whole car began to shake real bad. My first thought was to disconnect the battery so I could "reboot" the cars computer, that didnt work. I then decided that I would just drive down the road and see how that goes. Well before I even make out of my driveway I notice some smoke, so I stop and turn off the engine and check. Theres a huge cloud of smoke, something was being burnt. Not sure what tho, but it was coming from the passenger side like the side towards the back. Noticed that theres a bit of oil in the area, thought might of been from the cars age or mileage but really it could be anything. Anyways I put the air intake the way it was before and it still has some problems but now seems to be running a little better. I need it to start running even better cause this is my only car and I drive around 350 miles or more a week so it needs to be dependable for sure.
  17. Since I was 18 I've had to deal with idiot cops in my home town cause my mom was caught with drugs on her. Or so the cops say, they made me stay at someone elses house that night. Couldn't understand why. Fast forward a few yeas later and again another run in with the law, this time I'm in the middle of it. A friend of my mom's had asked me to return something to home depot, didn't have a receipt but I didn't think anything of it. So I go with my mom's friend to return it. Well as it turns out it was stolen and guess who was caught holding it, yep yours truely. Well the manager from the store it was taken from said I had nothing to do with it so I was let go on the spot, but that didn't stop this one bitch cop from harassing me for a few weeks after. Only reason she stopped was cause I told her I was gonna call her chief, had her badge number written down and everything. Then just a few years ago I would be stoped almost nightly for radom stupid crap.
  18. plugs are only 6 months old, then again ive put over 15k miles on it since i bought the car in july 2010. it does have a cold air intake, tho im thinkin bout revamping it and making it flow a little better. Gonna be hard since no one makes a cold air intake for a 93 Taurus. Also I'm think bout going with the E3 spark plugs if I do change them.
  19. besides no car would help get me back in shape....and not a shape lol
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