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Everything posted by Dylank811

  1. I didn't know there were plug and play HIDs haha. I thought it involved taking you headlight assembly apart and cutting/grinding the housing to custom fit an HID and then adjusting it appropriately and securing it. In other words, something I didn't want to get into lol.
  2. Sorry for late response. The Silverstars are what I had my eye on. Unfortunately I can't get the Ultras because they don't make them as an H1 bulb. But oh well. I am interested in HIDs, but I am not ready to take on the project, so for now I want to stick with halogen. And I know I can get at least a decent shade of bright white because I have seen it! I'll look into some of the other brands listed, though.
  3. I know it's been forever since I posted here...I'm looking for just the purest, brightest white halogen bulbs out there. I don't want blue tint and I don't want yellow tint. And I don't want to deal with HIDs right now, either! Any suggestions? Budget is $100.
  4. They are routers... i know the difference dude... And just because i have 4 years of degrees in computing does not mean i can set up a router on a network that is set up not to allow them. Either way for both of you I'll just ignore that you were trying to belittle me which is against the rules of this forum and let you know i have since got the ROUTER connected... Fucking assholes... I was actually just joking dude.
  5. I'm gonna chime in a say you could do a Rustoleum Roller job. (joking, of course) If you want to do this because of a personal goal, then go for it. If not, what about a cheapie paint job from Maaco? I would like to know some opinions on this for myself, too. My clear coat is peeling and my car needs alot of body repair, which I was thinking of doing all the bodywork myself. Or at least the majority that I can do.
  6. I've been 18 for a little over a month now and I haven't received an invitation. Really not that big of a deal, but I am curious as to how you get into this elite club.
  7. I love how he states that he definitely has routers and everyone stll says he doesn't. Fail for OP!
  8. I don't know for some reason I've always liked how he uses words that have similar sounds and connects them, even if they are unrelated. English class: Is that alliteration? Like using rich and Richard? And he says some pretty off the wall stuff which I like. But yeah, his lyrics actually make me smirk/laugh. It's like an hour of some cheesy comedy show. I like Lil' Wayne.
  9. This one? actually it was just once...but that shit is hilarious Yeah it took me a minute to get it, but once I did it's funny as hell!
  10. Lol I love how Mr. Meade up there has chimed in twice (I think) on something I posted. And I believe both of them were "cool story bro" moments. I think he likes them.
  11. Lol I'm getting flammed pretty good here. He was getting pissed because I kept replying to him with stupid shit like the first thing I posted.
  12. Let the very thought of what I said make your head explode. Or something like that.
  13. Lol well it's okay, because it's the off topic section!
  14. It's great stuff, isn't it? I will change the world with this revolutionary thinking.
  15. This is a direct quote of something I said in a group chat while trolling my friend/bandmate. Pure genius: I think he's arguing about something that I'm not haha. Alot of what I say has two meanings. I think he's picking up on the one I'm not actually thinking. It's quite a challenging thing to do. And also funny to watch people's reaction. I call this method of jizzing in someone's brain "bi-phrasing." Related to Charlie Sheen's "bi-winning" philosophy.
  16. Actually it would be a neat trick to fiberglass the hell outta the inside and let people think that Uhaul boxes are the shit.
  17. Guys check it out...I got some more to come that will hopefully hit better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsAYuXfWKls&hd=1
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