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About TRTC360

  • Birthday 04/08/1995

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    Gainesville, Florida
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    Cars, Bass, Women, Car Audio, Speakers, Amps, and DEEBEEZ!!!

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  1. if you get pulled over and you tell the cop your i.d. is in your glove box, does the cop have the right to tell you he's going to grab your i.d. out of the glovebox? if he finds something illegal in there could it be considered an illegal search and seizure in court? asking this for a family member, not myself.

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    2. purplesyrup
    3. Jessica


      I remember reading something about searches and vehicles and basically since it is impossible to get a search warrant issued for a traffic stop because of the way the system works, they can search with probably cause and get the warrant later. Also, i think refusing a search can be used as probably cause. But i may be wrong on the second part.

    4. OrionStang


      No, he cannot get it for you, unless you say yes. He can watch you get it out of the glove box. If he asks and you say yes, then there is nothing illegal about anything he see's in there. HOWEVER, I would still let a judge decide.

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