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Everything posted by cichlidfort

  1. Damn wtf! I wish my cd's got louder. What kind of ipods do you guys have? My ipod nano doesn't get loud at all but my sister's touch rapes my cd and nano. How do you burn your cd at different settings to get it louder?
  2. As the question clearly states, why are iPods louder then CDs? At least in my Jeep, there is a huge difference between a song on an iPod vs. the same song on a CD.
  3. Yeah it is an angry song but its badass. I got another request that I think would sound tight slowed down. It gets loud too. It's called Aqua Water Gucci Mane.
  4. I appreciate it man. And ya, you have an awesome slowed collection. One of my personal favorites is Gang Signs.
  5. It's such a tight song but there isn't much bass to it. Can anyone add more bass to it? That would be amazing. No pun intended lol.
  6. Sorry it's not the best vid in the world. It was raining off and on yesterday so I was trying to be quick.
  7. Yeah I didn't even realize it was the finale either. Finales are suppose to be long!
  8. Yeah it wasn't even an hour long. Damn, now we have to wait till September.
  9. x2!!! For those who didn't see last night episode don't read this below: What did you guys think of last night's episode with the Picnic? I thought it was pretty funny. What about the whole thing with Jim and Pam? I would say its pretty obvious they are having a baby?
  10. Definitely one of the best clips ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh0duWPuF3U I remember when I first saw this part, I missed half of it due to my laughing.
  11. Any Office fans here? Honestly, I wouldn't expect this to be a popular show among SMD but I think its fuckin hillarious. If you like dry humor, saracasm, undescribable weirdness and awkward moments, you should defintely watch this show. My favorite character is probably Jim. Although, in Season 5 he has been pretty boring.
  12. Both get loud and sound good. Comes down to preference. I would go DC because Rusty has customer sevice you can't beat. He always responds to you right away so DC FTW.
  13. alright that sounds good. 01xtreme, loganuf and I will be building a box soon haha.
  14. The tuning of my Jeep makes it really easy for my car to hit the highs really well. But I believe the tuning of my box (like 36hz) is not allowing them to get low. Should I go for like 30-31 hz?
  15. Right now my box is tuned like 35-36 hz. But I wanna get low. I was told that 18s have the ability to get a lot lower then Kicker L7s. Should I just redo my box?
  16. Assuming both setups had the same amount of total watts (2000) and the box was built good tuned around 32 hz what would you guys think would get louder? I have a 2003 Jeep Liberty.
  17. Damn, if you're a magic fan, you would have wanted the Bulls to win but oh well. I guess we will have to give up home court advantage. If Magic can get past the celtics then I think Magic will go all the way and beat the Lakers in the finals.
  18. bro if you blew your amp omg...you'll never hear the end of it from me.
  19. nice...I need some deadener for my Jeep too but no way will I be stripping it down like you did. Keep it up.
  20. No one said this was going to be easy but buying a 1.4 cu ft box is a complete waste of time and money. Do it right. I would just rebuild the box.
  21. Not all cops are like that. Without some type of law enforcement, it would be chaos all over. Yes there are a few that let the power go to their head but you still have to respect them. They put their lives at risk everyday. The cop in the video though should be fired and go behind bars for at least 5 years. 1 year? That's hardly nothing.
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