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Status Updates posted by 1lungzwifey

  1. I'm not super hot or gorgeous...I don't have an amazing figure or a flat stomach...I'm far from being considered a model, but I'm ME...I eat junk food, love to wear my PJ's, and will go without make up...I'm random and crazy, and I don't pretend to be someone I'm not... I am who I am, love me or not, I won't change ME!!! Ladies put this on your status if your proud of who you are

  2. SO THE BEST THING EVER...got the phone call about the house!! The seller is trying to move as fast as possible...his attorney is slow..bbbuuuttt....1500 what it takes to move in! MY HUBBY SAYS...IF THAT'S WHAT U WANT! (he does too...the garage is awesome!)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      sounds too good. i paid almost $8k to get into my house

    3. BeatBox


      House? Id be happy with a sweet garage lol

    4. Autruche


      No matter what it is, owning your own house is a great thing. Especially when you also have a garage.

  3. got married ..on 4/20 at 4:20...check it out on Gotz1lung page!!

  4. So geeked about this build and the show at SLAMOLOGY! Good Job babe..Im proud of you!! xoxo

  5. love my husband and kids..period

  6. Had to Join Lungster and his Fam!

  7. Had to Join Lungster and his Fam!

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