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Status Updates posted by DylanGermann

  1. stupid decisions.. we all make them.

    1. Ballen194


      yep. it always feels good at the time but afterwards your like "fuck, i shouldve wrapped it up"

    2. tdsa23


      Like right after you feel that way smh

  2. woop, no one's home. time to play loud music

  3. Mongolian with theMother. Hell yeah.

    1. Sid420


      about time you got on here lol

  4. We drunk as fuck and don't care, so hell yeah.

  5. it rained. that means only one thing for me. Time to go jump in some puddles.

  6. if you are going to go by my house thumpin your shit, make sure it's worth it. I do not want to hear your trunk rattle, i want to feel it.

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