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Posts posted by trainman0978

  1. thanks...

    ya 5 hours racing against the clock and a 1 1/2 hour layover in Salt Lake City....leave at 1 get there at 11 LOL....at least ill get home fast riding WITH the sun (3 hour time difference)

    Yeah the tail winds flying east will make the trip super quick.... the pilot said pretty much all westbound flights have terrible head winds and it takes an hour to two hours longer flying west. The little t.v. in the seat back in front of you will show all that stuff , speed, head wind, temp., ground speed, travel time, and your location... kinda cool little program actually.

  2. The rest of the interior will have the Leather hydes and not this stuff........seats will be soft and supple (sp)

    HMMMM..... Like titties????? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    And hey man , I got on a plane for the very first time a few weeks ago. More nervous than you could imagine. Flew from savannah ,ga. to Santa Anna , California. I always had a issue with the whole "not being in control, feeling helpless to prevent my doom" kinda mentality.... It won't be that bad. My biggest gripe was the seats in coach just are not roomy enough even for a little guy like me . I sucked it up because there is simply no faster way to travel across country in basically half a day.

  3. I saw a video on some website a while back where a guy went to europe for about three weeks. His friends went into his room and covered every square inch of his walls, the top of ALL of his bed sheets, his t.v. , computer, desk, lined every drawer, his floor , his ceiling, ceiling fan and blades, they even covered every garmet on a hanger in his closet... Trust me, they got it all. Took about two weeks working every night for like 6 hrs. or so. Poor guy came home from the airport and was so tired from flying that he just crashed on his bed and didn't even try to laugh or get mad.... Very big fucking mess. Something like 30,000 post it notes. Yes , I am sure they said 30,000 POST IT Notes.

  4. iphone?

    The only problem with surfing on the iphone or a itouch is that its fine for stuff like checking email, you tubing, b.s. like that. I have tried to view the forum on there and type out a post or two, but a page like this with all the places to "click" that takes you to sections or threads makes it really hard to navigate a site like this one. plus youare constantly expanding and shrinking pages and your fingers end up hitting links you were not trying to go to . I am not saying it can't be done... Apple has a great concept and a great product out with this technology... But surfing like you do at home on a pc or laptop takes some real patience...

  5. Mercedes Benz is one of the few manufacturers that still tock parts for virtually every car they ever built. Your local dealer may have to order what you need, but it is attainable to repair this with all MB parts. I worked for a BMW/Mercedes dealer for a few years , several years ago. We were always doing repairs on these old models, and ordering parts for other mechanics and DIY - ers like you. That car will literally run forever if you know how to repair it , and use the right parts when you do.

    I am sure you understand though, that car is not cheap to fix if something breaks down on it though...

  6. sorry, the amps blew because the were running on 16+ volts... I only run 12. And yes im almost positive that they warranty their repairs. and my electrical is a 260 amp iraggi with a HC800 up front and 3 24000s in the back, 2 runs of power and ground. I think that'll be fine for two T3Ks i just dont know if i want to do this or not.. I've also been thinking about 2 clarrion dpx1550s on each

    Damn with that set up, my only deciding factor would be the warranty issue. I would verify that from RF and if so, man go for it.... :)

  7. i dont think its overpaying at all, its quality... my RF amps are the only amps i've never had the slightest problem with.

    I am sure that they are great amps. I would love a 4001 for myself. But if you buy these amps, won't that make this statement very untrue? Any thing man made can possibly fail. Even a RF amp. How did this guys amps get inoperable? will RF give a warranty and a guarantee after the repairs or overhauls are done? If yes then by all means go for it.

    How is your electrical? did you factor in the costs of upgrading other parts of the system to get the full benefit of these amps?

  8. I have a friend who writes military interrogation policy , he works in the pentagon, along with 25,000 other cubicle slaves, but any way, we have had several discusions on how a polygraph can be the most inaccurate, invaluable interrogation tool on the planet. However, if tested by someone who is very familiar with human biology, mainly the nervous and circulatory systems, and psychology , there is a very strong chance that it will be accurate, and the interrogator , properly trained, should be able to tell from the various monitors used on you and your body language or "tells" as the poker hands call it ; if you are either nervous, lying, telling the truth, or just really not know for sure the answer to the question.

    I am sure this dumb ass was not one of these highly trained medical educated interrogators...

  9. if it only neaded glue not nails then the box wouldnt of blown apart im going to screw the hell out of it before i put it back in . i dont think glue will hold a box tegether with four twelves and 3000w.probally why steve and alot of other guys fiberglass there boxes cant just glue together :huh:

    No more than one screw about every four inches if you must. and pre drill your holes , or you are just asking for problems. And, yes these guys are right. Tite bond is stronger than any nail - once it dries and cures. Did you give everything time to set up and dry?

  10. Look at it this way, you know who she REALLY is now. Better now than if you did marry her, have a kid with her then have all this shit happen. That bros before hoes bullshit, well fuck that , it's up to you know if you wanna call this guy your brother anymore. Find your friends, the people who you can really count on, and stick with them. sometimes it seems like the one or two true friends that we have in the world are the people we can really count on when we need them the most. Put stock in that, and walk away knowing that the two of them are gonna have their hands full, cause this is gonna be a show to watch. So make some popcorn and grab a chair!!!

  11. I got this In a email from a friend yesterday. This is beyond funny.....

    Banned from Wal-Mart

    This is why women should not take men shopping

    against their will.

    After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany

    her on her trips to Wal-mart. Unfortunately, like

    most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to

    get in and get out.

    Equally unfortunately, my wife

    is like most women - - she loved to browse.

    Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter

    from the local Wal-Mart.

    Dear Mrs. Samsel,

    Over the past six months, your husband has been

    causing quite a commotion in our store. We cannot

    tolerate this behavior and have been forced to ban

    both of you from the store. Our complaints against

    Mr.Samsel are listed below and are documented by our

    video surveillance cameras.

    1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's

    carts when they weren't looking.

    2 . July 2 : Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares

    to go off at 5-minute intervals.

    3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor

    leading to the women's restroom.

    4. July 19:

    Walked up to an employee and told her in

    an official voice, 'Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it

    right away.'

    5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to

    put a bag of M&M's on layaway.

    6. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to

    a carpeted area.

    7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping

    department and told other shoppers he'd invite them

    in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the

    bedding department.

    8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help

    him he began crying and screamed, 'Why can't you

    people just leave me alone?'

    9. September 4: Looked right into the security

    camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his


    10. September 10: While handling guns in the hunting


    he asked the clerk where the

    antidepressants were.

    11. October 3: Darted around the store suspiciously

    while loudly humming the 'Mission Impossible' theme.

    12. October 6: In the auto department, he practiced

    his 'Madonna look' by using different sizes of


    13. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when

    people browsed through, yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'

    14. October 21: When an announcement came over the

    loud speaker, he assumed a fetal position and

    screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!'

    And last, but not least.

    15. October 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the

    door, waited awhile, then yelled very loudly, 'Hey!

    There's no toilet paper in here."


    Tom Richards

    Walmart Manager

  12. I dunno. I am not gonna go back on my acceptance of my offer to this guy. He says he is gonna get it later in the week then fine. If he backs out no biggie to me. I am gonna keep my end of the deal up. He went to SBN, so when he gets back I will see what hes gonna do. I am clearly not trying to take anybody, as I said, The deck works fine, The harness from the radio to the connections to a factory compatible harness needs to be replaced, and I have had it in two vehicles, and the leads are short , and it still has my toyota harness crimped to it.

    I just figured that somebody on here might want first dibs on it, so I posted here first instead of ebay. I am not out to make a huge return on it, I just think it would be a waste for it to sit in the closet upstairs in the dark for who knows how long before it gets tossed out. If he cancels his offer , as I said I will let you guys bid over one another for it.

  13. Well, It aint the easiest thing in the world to do, but it is worth the work. After putting in all the stuff ( see my sig ) I have, I can tell you it was money well spent. Money that improved my stereo systems performance, and made the truck just more enjoyable to drive , account not hearing so much of the outside world in your car " luxury car quiet" is what a lot people call it, but whatever. there is less rattling inside , less noise from outside, less tire noise, engine noise, exhaust noise, less of you hearing the next to you rattling the welds loose in his trunk, and few people with their windows down will barely notice you sitting there with your system cranked up, cause your car won't rattle anywhere near as much ( none at all if you take your time and target the noises with the right products) . Yes worth it. check these links out to see what I did....

    my thread on the fj cruiser forums

    part two of the above thread

    and of course the thread in my sig. I got over 1500 bucks in sound deadener now. Is it worth that? Absolutely !!!!!

    And as far as re installing the interior goes, with regular adhesive dampeners , you could add quite a few layers before fitment issues arise, its when you get into the closed cell foams that things don't wanna go back in so easy. Just remember to not cover up any bolt holes and trim clip holes, and don't build up layers really thick close to weather stripping , don't cover any factory electrical wiring up, and take your time.

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