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Status Updates posted by Pep469

  1. Got to hear my little girls voice for a few minutes :) she's so grown....

  2. Hahahaha this just in a young man was following my sister around and offered her a huge clock :D hahaahahahahaha

    1. Miguels


      are you sure it was a clock? lol jk

    2. OrionStang


      I know what i'd offer, and it rhymes with clock.

  3. Have you ever hydroplaned in a 28 foot truck going down a curved hill...???? We just did :D

  4. Holy shut !!!!! Facebook is worst then Tom Hahahaah pepe said this pepe said that to this to that :D

  5. Holy smokes I smell BBQ !!!!!!!

  6. Hurray it's Saturday time for sum relaxation heck im gonna sleep all day :D yaaaayyy

  7. I Been practicing chewing my nails and I think I got the hang of it :/ now onto the skin... ouch

  8. I don't have to attend every argument im invited to :) but that's just the new me....

  9. I don't wana jinx it but so far we back on the road from being stranded for a bit...

  10. I handed my phone out to play where is this going so I didn't get it on film but dang dashboards were jumping :D

  11. I hope da crazy sports fanatic bastard behind me don't try to ask me about sports he even stopped the waiter to argue about defense or I will talk about sound systems to his ass :D

  12. I just wanna give thanks for those thugz who changed my life in my time of need... Thank you Jacob sal zavala I know it was you who sent them r.i.p. mijo

  13. I know santa dont visit me so Just gotta get in good w Mrs. Clause... he likes milk n cookies... But what can I leave up for her ???

  14. I know some of the worlds coolest bassheadz :) gonna shake at least one or more Xmas trees for shure this Xmas :D

  15. I set this up w my facebook so I hope this helps :-)

  16. I'm 30 min away from my last stop... In Austin tx

  17. I'm about to fall off the bed to try n knock out

  18. IM NOT RICH$$$$ I'm pepi :D

  19. im not sure how to use this but i will try to learn but i am mrpep469 on youtube i have many videos :-)

  20. Jakajaajjaa just scared the dog poop out of some jerk texting while drivin he almost drove under our truck :D he's lucky he looked left and swirved

  21. Just standing near front door now... :) almost 1

  22. Laying down.... That is all :)

  23. Next visit from me cause of the paperwork issues they gonna get next time at the DMV a birth certificate and flu shots Pokemon cards a bus card a high school boxing trophy a free lap dance coupon a fuel receipt a picture of me and my dog and a water balloon In a funny shape and I got a few more days to think of other junk to toss on that damn desk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Autruche


      Don't forget to bring a condom to keep your wallet disease free when they rape it.

  24. Ohhhhhhh damnit ladies get yur dollars out cause I might have to start stripping to get some bus fair money :D team LLA is gonna be doing a extreme build and I wanna b there when it's ready !!!!! Damn it bill Douglas

  25. Ok about to upload a video before I fall asleep :)

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