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Status Updates posted by G-Rad

  1. ...And the Cowboys just made this Thanksgiving that much better! GO COWBOYS!

  2. #$@&%! Can't sleep!

  3. < in Writing mode

  4. :( I'm not feeling right. I just wanna snap... But I'm doing my damndest to keep my cool...

    1. Sanitarium


      Stop being a bitch and bitch slap someone.

  5. 106 in Seagoville today. This is terrible

  6. 2 AA 15's, 2,000.1 monoblock amp (2,000 watt RMS Monoblock amp @ 1Ohm stable). Coming Soon... Get'cha some!need any work, hit me up!

  7. 3 down, gonna work on another one today :)

  8. 4 people died today in this heat. That scares me.

    1. OrionStang
    2. MrSkippyJ


      lots of water, tons of water.

  9. 5000 years ago, Moses said, "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land."When Welfare was introduced, Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land."Today, the government has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land to China. This deserves to be reposted.

  10. About to record "Blood And Thunder" drum cover

  11. Alone I go. Tired of it though....

  12. Another day started.

  13. Another sleepless night. Kept coughing and that keeps waking me up. :(

  14. Anybody from SHS remember Mr. Balthasar? (Wood Shop Teacher). He passed away lastnight due to a heart attack.

  15. Anyone have a USB Pressure sensor for, say a Termlab?

  16. Anyone wanna come over and watch the game with me? I'm bored and could use some company. Thanks.

  17. AT&T is now 4G.. Need a new phone, eventually.

  18. back to the doc this afternoon. Gotta go back Friday. :/

  19. Back to the doc tomorrow...

  20. Bleh... Probably going to go to sleep here in a little bit. Not feeling right...

  21. Building a custom box for a little 8" sub.

  22. Burning up and playing Final Fantasy VI. Right now, in the game, I'm in the WoR nd am dispelling the curse on the Cursed Shld (Shield). I still got a few side quests to go.Doma Castle (Cyan's Nightmare)Narshe Mountains (Obtain Yeti)Magic Tower (Gem Box)Fight all 8 Dragons Fight Doom GazeCoral Cave (Thamasa)

    1. nCOMP1337


      FF6 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!

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