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Everything posted by cosmo10292

  1. whatsup bassheads so i got a question and want to know what your guy's opinions are. So pretty soon im going to be buying a brand new either gmc 1500 sierra crew cab or silverado. Iam gonna do a blow through into the cab with two 15inch soundstream xxx's and i have the amps and everything for that. what i want to know is inside the cab im going to have alot of speakers! 12 tweeters, 4 8inch subs, and 10 6.5 speakers. should i get a shit load of multichannels or a couple mono amps to power all of these?? by the way this is going to be a soundstream build since i have a hookup
  2. http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/p_16318_Soundstream_SST69.aspx
  3. still looking for 6x9's? look at some soundstream sst6.9's. They sound VERY good and arent that expensive. They sound better than kicker and rockfords i know ive heard them both. They also come with a crossover for the silk dome tweeter that gets very loud!
  4. could be the amp but i have a feeling its that cap! take it out and see how the stereo sounds after. A cap sucks up energy and basically spits it back out at random. That could be a reason why a note would sound good once then not as good the next time. What you could also do is set your gains on the amp before it sounds distorted at full power on the head unit. that might help also.
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