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purplesyrup last won the day on July 13 2013

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  1. Well, my Jag will have a new engine in it complete on feb 9th, who thinks I should get a DDZ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. audiofanaticz


      i real Z is a waste unless your after pure numbers and don't care about the reproduction quality of music. At that point your best off getting a 9500z with the smaller neo motor, but thos where discontinued due to the fact that a supercharged 9500sc can yield the same results... or so our rep @dd told us.

    3. audiofanaticz


      as for the 9500z the little neo motors of the big Z is the coil is so open, there is no real suction of air being forced in and out of around the coil, giving you poor cooling, and can burn up the coils rather easily with decent power after a good couple songs full tilt. but i was hard on them, then again, they had the same coils as my composite coned 9518D woofers which had no issues and traditional style cooling vents. a little more food for thought..

    4. purplesyrup


      great feedback, my 9512 is supercharged, so I guess I will explore other options

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