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purplesyrup last won the day on July 13 2013

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  1. Now I remember why I dont post on fordfusionclub.com, there is a bunch of haters on there, I realized i never shared my build on there so I posted it,  and now all of a sudden im a huge idiot for building it, lol

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    2. purplesyrup


      yea, that barrel is just "hobbled" together, and does this idiot really think a whole wine barrel would fit in the trunk of my car?  

      Hobbled, lol, yea, there was no skill used in this build at all, lol, I wonder if he has any idea what calculating the internal airspace to to get that port was like, and recalculating it, and recalculating it, and recalculating it, and recalculating it,  as I continued to add oz's of resin to be sure it was 110% acc...

    3. purplesyrup


      and my build is not even close to done, the trunk is going to be deck with wine boxes and bottle racks, but right now, i just put a set of rims on my other car, then the motor got fucked so im putting a new engine in it, beliee me, i'd like to spend that 6k on something other than an engine

    4. 8ight


      But the barrel is what makes the build cool... Where do these guys find that good crack rock?

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