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  1. if a sub is under powered des it blow it? iv been having this arguement with my dad for ever and he says under powering blows subs. and i say underpowering them dont blow them as long as theres no clipping or distortion, he said to me yesterday that people blows subs that are under powered because they crank them up till they distort and thats what blows them. it basically what i said just worded differently. does low power to a higher powered sub blow it? just want to solve arguement

    1. jeep0312


      no. just imagine what a 1000rms sub is getting on low volume on a 1000rms amp.

    2. Trey_Dog650


      low power does not blow a sub. clipping will

    3. REVOofRustler


      You can't blow a sub by underpowering it. If you think about it, a sub will always be underpowered if you have the music turned down. The reason people think you can blow subs by underpowering them is because they crank their gains all the way up to compensate, and then it clips and eventually blows their equipment.

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