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About stevensracing06

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i swear that fucking lama avatar is the most mesmorizing thing ever
  2. Im most likely gunna grab me a 3.5k try running it down to 1ohm then upgrade as I go thanks for the help guys
  3. I'm looking to find out what a XL will take on rms I know spec is 2200 but what I want to know is how much it will take before being over powered as I've never dealt with any DC stuff before.
  4. I've been raping cl lol haven't found anything quite yet. I was kind of considering a hifonics colosous
  5. Well I'm figuring I won't get a decent amp with that amount of power for less than 3 so let's say 4-5 I guess
  6. Yea it sucks but what I'm trying to find a decent priced amp to run 1 AA 15 " mayhem got any suggestions?
  7. Wow I feel like I'm not welcome to post on here because I made a mistake. Thank you to the guys who actually took what I was saying and contributed to it
  8. I would be very happy to just talk to somebody and get some prices and what not
  9. Well I've been trying to get in touch with American bass for close to a week now and at this point I have made numerous calls and a number of emails also :/ it really sucks I don't have a dealer close to me at all and I want there products. Has anybody else had this problem??
  10. And your left nut arm, leg, 2 foots and an eye
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