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Known Scammer
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Everything posted by XtremeSPL-SCAMMER

  1. hahahahahha... liar... you didnt say that... you were like... hi.. thats a nice shirt.. i want one just like it... all being a brown nose
  2. that is the only way to get it out... get a drill and measure it up the stud... and then just drill it in the center all the way out... becaresul not to get a bit too big.. then when that it done, get the new kit or deck or whatever you are going to use and you might need to put a couple bolts in there to thread in to hold everything....
  3. ohhh.. well.. i am glad to have my laptop back.. it has all mu build pics, and all my shit on it... I guess i should back up all that shit.. but.. It has all of KingSuv's and thumper02 west coast finale 06 runs on it.. and it has all my 06 and 07 comps on it... so.. i guess i can add more shit to my photobucket..
  4. doood... get it right... Florida sucks.. them mo fuckers cant vote worth a shit the concept you push a buttom for the person you want is just toooo... uhmm... over powering I think it is going to be between romney and obama. anyway... as long as it isnt hilary.. I DONT GIVE A FUCK... and the only reason i say that is.. had one clinton... dont need another... so...
  5. ohhh sorry to hear that... I drained my lapop.. as soon as it flooded.. i took it all apart, and put it 1 ft away from a wall heater... and then in the mornning i just took it away and let it do its own thing and bam.. 2 weeks later or so... i have my laptop back so.. take the back peices off.. and just let it dry out..
  6. thats what i was thinkin.. after reading.. i am sure your box is either to small.. is that box designed for that woofer? it is very important to have the specs for those subs built in your box.. esp with air space and port size.. i had the same problem with my 2 12's.. the box i had was too small.. and it didnt hit the lows very well.. and when it tried it sounded like shit.. so i went to a ported box, and bigger cu ft,a nd it took care of that problem.
  7. hahahaha.. this is my first post on the laptop... so.. i can see all my keys work and the onboard mouse works no problem So.. what can i say... ohh yeah.. I get better wireless signal now... hahahah but anyway.. i am so fucken stoked.... I am a happy mother fucker
  8. yes... i am sure you guys remember " I'm a stupid Mofucker Thread" so.. just felt froggy,a nd hit my power button to my laptop that i spilt a Giant cut of Jack and pepsi in.. and it boots up fine.. keyboard and mouse works.. it has been over 2 weeks.. or so.. but it works now.. and works great So.. i can have my laptop at AR now... FUCKEN RIGHT THE FUCK ON!!!!
  9. man i am workin.. and i havent got any of my money yet.. and i also havent called Rockford.. if you gotta sell it to someone ese do it bro.. i am waiting on my unemployment check.. and i havent got it yet.. and i do not get my paycheck for another 2 weeks.. so.. do what you gotta... Peace Justin
  10. you better be making it down freddy.. if not i am gonna drive my ass up there and make sure you can go..
  11. hit me up bro.. we can chat a bit.. so, be sure to come by my car and say whats up. you have my # i will be by steve to say whats up...
  12. party cloudy.. we could geta stray shower thanks for the love doug i will see ya soon my brotha!!!!
  13. x 2... power caps like a 1 farad would hurt you more than just having a cell. If you are going to do it.. might as well do it right..
  14. yes it is... dont know if i would pay 8500 for it though... fuckin macco is less than that
  15. as you the Feb 5th Primaries where held on Tuesday... so.. how many people voted? I voted!!!! California is never gonna be the fucken same
  16. well.. i know a few people on this site.. but i have to think one member more than anything... pur3fknpawah Thank you for all your work.. and all the work you doin for me.. Maybe i can get you some more business.. this guy does great work.. he signed my XtremeSPL banner in signature, and is also doing design work on my webiste, that i am hoping to have launched before autorama, and then have a lot of coverage on AUTORAMA on there... so, anyone that goes to compete in autorama, if my site is up and running, you will be able to see vids on your competition.. and you will be able to download them off the site.. so thank you mike.. i vouch for this mother fucker on his work....
  17. yeah.. so then the back rest part doesnt move.. the bottoms fold up.. I never fucked around down fireing subs.. they look cool.. but.. man.. i am a old fashioned guy.. i still feel you better results with subs ina box.. then downfireing.. but.. i have heard some alphine 12's type r's that fucken POUND in a sealed box.. and the box doesnt have to be all that great..
  18. the size of the cab.. the older trucks are all extended cabs.. then they went to crew cabs, quad cab, super cab.. all the 4 door models, that i know of do have this lever.. my dads 98 f250 quad cab has it.. my 01 ford f150 had it.. but the bottom of the bench folded up.. so if the bottom folds up, the back peice is there for good.. it dont move.. but if you cant fold the bottom up or anything then the top folds down.
  19. there isnt a lever on the backside of the rear bench?? look on the passenger side, toward the base.. my dads truck is like this, but there is a small black lever that kinda hides away.. makes the top half of the bench move foward..
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