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Known Scammer
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Everything posted by XtremeSPL-SCAMMER

  1. if its refurbished, why dont you have it as refurbished on ebay??? it makes a difference between trying to sell it as used or refirbished IMO.. Good deal though.. but kinda looks like to me as a BUYER BEWARE, when you go refurb...
  2. I don't know how to follow the FS forum rules, no matter how many times I'm told...
  3. pics are a must... and i take it you are selling it for your friend.. so... you are sticking your next out on the deal being the middle man.. so.. have pics with your screen name so we know it is legit...
  4. Bump for a guy right down the road from me.... Bump... good luck on the sale brotha..
  5. ohhh is that what you call, chick i picked up from the bar now a days... fuck.. i am backed up... I had my share of Jack and coke tonite.. and i drank away from the pcs.. so i dont spill it in my fuckin computer again...
  6. that was me last year with you at ar.. with you with your volt meter checkin out everything.. i was uhmmm WTF.. but hey... i was down with watchin you, and trying to understand.. i sit back and observe...
  7. wassup memphis.. get any tail common home with ya??? Mr Hustla...
  8. damn bro.. and i thought it sucked for me.. i went to the DMV and couldnt get another temp sticker.. so.. my laser is out for autorama.. unless i tow it there hahah... i am to put everything in the focus now... fucken sucks ass... but ohhh well.. i will get it done.. Sucks not having a ride... teamssb: YO bro.. if youw ant to buy a car, i will sell ya my laser... i am local.. and you can come get it, and slap a system in it for autorama.. cut ya a good deal on it
  9. got the new starter in... took me like 45 minutes.. was better taken it out... it was a BITCH to get the new one in.. anyway.. car runs.. starter is great.. BACK on track..
  10. in the country... how do you explain williams.. it is all country... it is like... GRidley...
  11. the fast and the furious 4 is gonna be a bad ass movie when it comes out next year.. i will be there opening nite..
  12. hahahah.. i hear that...ill have to put my starter in my car today.. it is windy and pouring rain...
  13. well.. if it was for doug.. i wouldnt know anyone here.. like steve, bill, rusty, christian, etc.. but anyway.. thats cool rusty.. Welcome mike to SMD.. cant wait to learn some more shit..
  14. yes my car is a 1.8L non turbo... thats why it gets GREAT gas mileage.. but yeah.. the whole fuel injection manifold is right over the starter... made for a GREAT time to get it out.
  15. congrats bro... One these days i might be a mod.. too.. that be the day when i am de-modded cause all the other mnods are gonna quit..
  16. if i am going to keep this car and use it for bass comps, and do everything in, i want a new starter.. i dont want to be cheap, and have doug call my name to compete and my starter just goes click... click.. and have to get help to push the mo fucker to the line, to compete.. yanno what i mean... just rather have the new starter.. have lifetime warrenty on it.. and if it fucks up.. get a free replacement.. EDIT: This was the origional starter.. so.. the guy never replaced it... so.. it did its job.. time for a replacement..
  17. well.. yesterday when it is was raining, i was trying to come over to my parents house, and the starter went out on my car.. so... before jumping to such conclusion, i tested the battery.. and it was charged.. tested all the terminals, and tested the terminal connectors.. all were fine.. so, i tried to charge the battery a bit and still got the clicking sound.. so me and my homeboy towed my car to get it to start, and then i drove the 3 blocked to my parents house.. so, today i started to work on my car, since we had some great weather.. removed the air cleaner, and battery... then removed the battery tray that it sits on, and pulled the 2 bolts that hold in the starter.. the sucky part about this motor is that the starter is right under the EFI. so, it is a real tight fit under there.. so anyway, it tooki me 15 minutes to remove the starter, and so i take it up to Kragen Auto Parts.. it works 3 times.. then on the fourth test it failed.. fifth test failed. and sixth test failed.. so the sylinoide on the starter is shot.. 53.99 for the replacement starter with lifetime warrenty..
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