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Second Skin Audio

T-Line Build


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So I've decided I want to build a quarter wave/t-line box for my room. I've read the pinned guide on building them, but I still have a few questions.

Firstly, how do I know what to tune it to? It seems the author of the t-line thread is saying that it's best to tune it to the Fs of your subs. This is basically a SQ build, so should I just go by the Fs?

When I made my model of the box on sketchup just using one turn, the box came out to be over 7 feet high. Is it okay to have 2 or more turns in the box? Will any SQ or anything be lost when you have more turns?

If I do an enclosure with three turns, the sub would be on the bottom facing forward, and the port would be up top. Would that be a good setup for a room? Or would bending the port to face forward be better? What do you guys think would be the best setup?

My next question is related to this picture from the quarter wave/t-line thread.


Where do you measure the beginning of line from? In the picture it's the line that is 37 1/2" long. Where is the left end measured from?

And, how do you know how big to make the 45's? Do you make it so that the distance from the middle of the 45 to the inside corner is equal to the thickness of the rest of the line?

And lastly, the sub. I know I want a RE REX, because of price, quality, and it matches my system's power rating well. But I don't know if I want the 8", 10", or 12". I think the 8" is probably impractical, because the port area needs to be 30 square inches, and the mounting depth is 4.5", so that only leaves a 6.7" width (no room for 8" sub.) The port area of the 10" is 50 square inches, and the mounting depth is 5", so that leaves 10" for the sub. Could that possibly work? And the 12" would probably work just fine. They're all about the same price so, what should I do, just go with the 12"?

Wow, that was a lot of questions, hopefully somebody can help.

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Pick whatever frequency you want.

Measurement begins at 1/2 depth of enclosure (draw a 45 from each corner at the top left and you'll hit the start point of that line). An inch isnt a big deal to be out with a t-line so dont worry too much.

45's are to your preference and depend on your box.

Yeah, might as well go with the 12. Could always mount the smaller subs inverted

MickyMcD - "Capable of making some serious trouser flapping volumes at where's-my-testicles frequencies, the Servo-Drives used to be fairly jaw dropping..."

Any time you have have a power wire next to your frame put some rubber hosing (or cut up an innertube) around it. The wire is bound to wiggle (due to driving or flex) and the casing will eventually wear through.

Hammerdown... 1%

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Awesome, thanks guys. One more question though: Is it okay to have 3 or more turns on the box, and by doing so would I lose sound quality or anything?

EDIT: Another question. Would it be better to go by the effective piston area (Sd) of the sub, or just measure it myself?

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