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Custom sub box to fit under seat AND back of rear seat. Chevy 97 EXT.Cab


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Hey guys i currently have 1 fi btl in a box that is in place of my rear seat. im kinda starting to miss the rear seat tho. SO, im gonna sell or trade the fi btl foor like 4 or 2 12" subs. the thing is i want 2 12"s under the rear seat and 2 12"s or 10s behind the rear seat. is there any plans that some one ever tried this ? or can some one design me something. i currently have no demension cuz the seat isent in the truck and dont feel like removing everything and go without a sub. im sure u can youse the demensions from pre built store bought boxes for this truck tho. if anyone can help would be great thanks guys :)

Orion 2500D , 2-10" alpine type X. Custom enclosure,
Alpine amp for mids and highs.
Working on a center channel ATM

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