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Hey guys and gals. (Trippi) As some of you know i work at the Petersburg Sheriff Department and i get to see some really sad stuff over the course of my career. One of the worst things i have seen is children in poverty. Well i have decided to help out a little this year and i hope you guys can chip in. I was doing security at the city swimming pool and one of the rules is that you have to have swimming trunks to get in the pool. You should have seen the number of children that told me that they have never had swimming trunks and the parents that told me that they could not afford to buy there childern swimming trunks. Because of my job i could not let them in. So this year lets help out a little. I would like for everybody that could to buy either a pair of swimming trunks/bathing suit/ or towels for people who need it. Im going to talk to the director of Parks and Rec to see if one day we can go up there and pass them out to the kids. A little team community service for those that can make it. We could make a day of it. Hang out with some kids and do something for the community. So if you can donate anthing get in touch with me . Also Nick if you can get with sone of the other teams on here and let them know and see if they are willing to donate anything


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