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Product: Collinite 476S super doublecoat wax

Purchased from: http://www.autogeek.net/super-doublecoat-wax.html?productid=super-doublecoat-wax&channelid=FROOG&utm_source=CSEs&utm_medium=GoogleProductSearch&utm_campaign=CSE&gclid=CMb37ZSP9rkCFak1QgoduzQAlg

Cliff's notes: An old-fashioned wax that is affordable to everyone and lasts a LONG time. Application and removal is fairly easy so long as it is applied thin - if it's on too thick, it is equivalent to wiping concrete off your paint. Also: because the wax is applied so thinly, a single container should last you years

First off, this wax comes in two different sized containers: A smaller 9oz size and a larger 18oz size

These cans don't come in any special packaging, and even the design of the product itself is rather bland. Personally, I like to see that. Think of it like Sony vs. Fi packaging. If you need to "scream" at people you are good, chances are you're not. Just prove it. Besides the absence of frilly packaging, you will also notice that you need a screwdriver or similar to open these.

In terms of smell, this wax doesn't have much of any. It has that "old fashioned" smell to it - that's about it. As I said before, this is a very plain wax.

On to application: on my car, I used a red foam applicator from Lake Country with a light mist of water to make it easier to spread the wax thin. I divided up larger panels like my hood into 2 sections and make a big "X" to initially distribute the wax, then went around the entire car using a small circular motion. If you car is a light color like mine, it can sometimes be very hard to tell where and how much wax you have applied. I have no advice for the former, other than taking your time and being through. But in terms of telling how much you have applied, take your applicator and periodically wipe it on your window. I do this 2-3 times for larger panels such as my hood, and maybe once on smaller panels like my doors. What you are looking for is to deposit a film of wax, like a light oily smear. If the smear has a color or starts to look thick, that means you are dipping your applicator in the container too often. Not much of a fix for this, just keep using it and don't dip quite as often.

I let the wax dry for a solid 3 hours since it was cool and humid when I applied it. If you live in a warmer area, you could probably wait an hour or 2 before you wipe it off. Speaking of... Here is where you will notice if you applied it too thickly - the wax will be very stubborn to come off. If you made this mistake, don't press harder with the towel. That will only risk scratching your paint. Mist the towel with a bit of water and start in one corner of the panel and with medium pressure, start slowly working your way outward, taking "bites" out of the hardened wax. You might have to rub in one spot for a while, but it will come off eventually. Oh, and don't let this get on rubber or plastic trim: it will stain. If you do, just wipe off before it dries and you shouldn't have an issue.

I prefer to do 2 coats, just to insure thorough coverage.

Why did I choose this wax? I wanted something durable that will last through the winter since my car is parked outside 24/7 in rainy 'Ol Washington and my house freezes every night.

I waxed my car 3 months ago with 2 coats of the stuff. Hasn't been washed since and it still beads water pretty well

Here are some pics I took this morning. Yes, the beads are frozen lol



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Transitioning into the rainy season. Car is still beading pretty well. horizontal panels are beginning to show the slightest sign of fading. There is still plenty of protection, but it's not beading like day 1. On the vertical panels, no notable difference

I'm starting to believe the 1-year protection claim. I guess we'll see :P




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