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twitchy screen

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umm... I'm not sure what it means but I'm pretty sure it's not good... my laptop the last few mins or so has starting having little lines horizontally across the screen that just that one line of pixels (or sometimes that one line of pixels in a few different spots... it has happened in just about every part of the screen at some point by now) starts to twitch and bounce horizontally... so like it doesn't mess up any of the adjacent rows that I can tell it's just that row flickers and twitches for a second or two... seems most commonly to be one of absolute top rows that does it the most but I'm only noticing that one now because I'm looking for it cuz it was happening all over the screen... anyone any clue wtf is going on and whether it can be fixed for a price that is reasonable enough for me to bother actually trying to fix it? I'm a computer guy and I've built/rebuilt a few hundred desktops and put a few laptops back together with minimal guidance so I'm not afraid to work on it if I know what to do to fix it (I am part of a club that takes in donated computers and refurbishes them for needy students hence the "few hundred computers" that I've rebuilt plus I built my desktop from the ground up and built desktops for a few friends)

Thanks I was pretty excited about the alt myself. kind of like a school girl, in a dress, on a swing. lol

It's warming up enough that the donut-punching cyclist douchenozzles are getting their two wheeled fagmobiles out.

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ok thanks I'll look into that. lol I had an old macbook that had that problem a few years ago and I never got around to fixing it lol that one the problem was alot worse and more constant though and it just had vertical lines of green and pink all over the screen... I hope I can find a ribbon to go for this thing... I had to drop $60 just to get a wire for a second hard drive for this thing from the manufacturer when I upgraded the hard drive in it...

never buying a refurbished ever again unless I want it for a potential project computer lol

Thanks I was pretty excited about the alt myself. kind of like a school girl, in a dress, on a swing. lol

It's warming up enough that the donut-punching cyclist douchenozzles are getting their two wheeled fagmobiles out.

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I was afraid it might have been the graphics card dying or something cuz I do kinda push my graphics card kinda hard sometimes... good to know from multiple ppl that it could just be a ribbon cable.. lol it hasn't seemed to do it any today though so far... hmm

Thanks I was pretty excited about the alt myself. kind of like a school girl, in a dress, on a swing. lol

It's warming up enough that the donut-punching cyclist douchenozzles are getting their two wheeled fagmobiles out.

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