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All my gear might go up for sale soon

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My ex pulled the same shit with me a few years ago. It sucked but I just stayed calm and let it play out. It fucked her bad in the end because now the judge doesn't trust anything that comes out of her mouth and he told her if she ever tries to circumvent the system and make a mockery of his court he would bring charges against her.


He was taunting me. He's all like "come at me bro!" So I'm like "I'm coming at you bro!" And he's like "hey, fuck you" *chomp*. Then I killed it. I win.

^^^ you have truly taken being a lazy fuck to a new level tonight, an MRE. WOW

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Sorry to hear this happening man, it's just as serious that she's accusing you of such a thing. So when they find out it's false accusations she might get in big trouble. A good lawyer should help out BIG time. Also a doctor should be able to prove the kids aren't being beat what so ever.

I would just be careful with the drinking for time being because if she gets a lawyer he/she might try to use that against you.

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Im telling i dont care about anything else in this world but if i loose my kids to some greedy bitch that dont give a shit im done with this world IDK anymore


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I'm not a lawyer or anything, but the way you explained everything shows she doesn't have a very strong case. Especially when they take the children to a physician and prove there's no sign of abuse. How old are your children if I may ask?

But I would just contact a lawyer asap, one that's involved with children abuse.

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my kids are 6 and 7 and she tells them what to say or they will never see us again bushit act so they say it and i am getting a lawyer for my case but fuck man they want 3k to start


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and i have an order of protection on me from here and she keeps fucking texting me shit like your daughter misses you and shes doing good on the bike without training wheels i mean fuck i cant say anything back but fuck its driving me fucking nuts


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doing my best with the money i have i talk to one of the best family lawyers in the state on tuesday and starting price is 3k so i have that but anything after idk


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3k is the first deposit lol thats what happens when you get the person that wins the most and is considered top 3 best in the state


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