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3sixty.3 users, talk to me

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I find myself strongly considering one. It's a powerful unit, that much is clear.

How's the usability of the software? Does it run well on windows 8?

Do the 8v preouts play nice with most amps or is it too strong?

How well does the remote knob work? Does it perform like an LC-1 (adjustable from off to full tilt or anywhere in between)?

Does it play nice with 16v or does it need a stepdown?

Does the unit remember settings if I unhook power to it?

Tell me... what do you think of it in general? Complaints/favorite things? Give me a "feel" for it.

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I actually like mine. I have a 12 volt system of course and when I and playing music via Bluetooth is sounds so clean and clear. Of course you have to play with it to really get the sound you looking for. I had one issue with it when I first got it. The software froze on it but when I plugged my laptop back into it and was fine. I had disconnected it and it saved all the settings as well. I am running my system all active and it handles it with ease.

No System......GFY

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Well I used the DD-1 to match my amps up but I am still using my factory head unit. So everything runs off the 3sixty and I really like it. I really like the fact that I can use the aux feature for my ipod and the Bluetooth feature for music on my phone or Pandora...etc.

No System......GFY

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