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Canada now selling crack pipes (vending machine)

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You start by saying canada doesnt sell anything, then as for the selling of crack pipes. WTF. Well they are selling them and try and justify it as you may, enabling a problem is never the answer. When you make the punishment harsh enough then and only then will people start following the law. Just like back in the 80's in Malaysia the punishment for drugs, marijuana included was hanging. Thus they had the lowest drug problem in the world. The punishment for theft was to have your hand chopped off. Thus you RARELY seen someone missing two hands. In the late 90's they abolished these punishments and their drug and crime problem like most country's is out of control. Point being enabling will never help nor solve these problems that plague our societies.

Read what I said about Canada again. Canada does not sell anything because Canada doesn't exist. It is a country and countries are concepts. There are people in Canada and some of those people are selling crack pipes. Likewise, there are people in Canada who are buying those crack pipes. The fact that they all live in a geographical area called Canada does not mean that Canada is selling crack pipes. Countries, like forests or families, do not exist outside our minds. For instance, you can't show me a picture of Canada without showing me a land mass... you cannot show me a forest without trees and you cannot take a picture of a family without people in it.

As for your dictatorial, moral authoritarian approach to the problem of drug abuse... no, locking people in cages, cutting their hands off and other such medieval tortures does not mitigate the use of substances. It only drives it further underground and makes the acquisition of such substances more dangerous and expensive. This is clearly evidenced in the US... a country that is home to 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prisoners... and most of those people are caged for non violent, drug related crimes. Contrast the US with Portugal and you see an entirely different scenario. About a decade ago the Portuguese government legalized all drugs and began to treat drug abuse as an illness rather than a crime. Today, the Portuguese drug abuse problem as plummeted. There are no SWAT teams kicking in people's doors and killing their families... no Draconian prison sentences for drug use, no chopping off of body parts and again, nowhere near the drug related problems there are in the US.

As for Maylasia (and pretty much every other topic), I would recommend that you do some due diligence in researching the affects of the policies you so dearly cling to because no one on Fox News or any other news network will tell you anything other than what they think you want to hear. And that's why I posted the video above... because the author of that video posts citations on his website for each and every statistic he reports. That way, you can actually follow up and make sure that what you're being told is credible.

Facebook: facebook.com/audioanarchyllc

Instagram: audioanarchyllc

Youtube: youtube.com/bbeljefe


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well we all have the right to our own opinion, and i stick with mine. If you make the penalties stiff enough and teach people at a young age and make them aware the consequences of doing such. Will then begin to curb the want to go down that wrong path. Dont get me wrong i think prescription drug abuse is just as bad as illegal abuse. As far as my comment's regarding Malaysia, these are facts i witnessed first hand. Not from any BS news. If there are any Ozzy's in here they can testify to the 2 Ozzy's that were public hanged in 1985 for smoking a joint. As far as any of the policies set in place, and this and that person posting statistics for what ever. Both sides are always gonna find a way to make it look in their favor on their theory of the facts.


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well we all have the right to our own opinion, and i stick with mine. If you make the penalties stiff enough and teach people at a young age and make them aware the consequences of doing such. Will then begin to curb the want to go down that wrong path. Dont get me wrong i think prescription drug abuse is just as bad as illegal abuse. As far as my comment's regarding Malaysia, these are facts i witnessed first hand. Not from any BS news. If there are any Ozzy's in here they can testify to the 2 Ozzy's that were public hanged in 1985 for smoking a joint. As far as any of the policies set in place, and this and that person posting statistics for what ever. Both sides are always gonna find a way to make it look in their favor on their theory of the facts.

Well, you can ignore the truth and you can spin the truth but you cannot change the truth. ;-)

Facebook: facebook.com/audioanarchyllc

Instagram: audioanarchyllc

Youtube: youtube.com/bbeljefe


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