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Sonic Electronix

Have a problem. cant figure out zvx12d2

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So as the title states I'm having a problem with my skar zvx 12. I had for a while in two diffrent trucks. Same problem. Truck one 2010 f250 6.4 after market touch screen skar rp2000.1. Truck 2 2015 tundra lc2i line out on stock head unit 4 gauge ofc rp2000.1  here's my problem the sub is making poping sound. It's in a 3.0 cube box tuned to 30hz gain not even a quarter turn maybe an 1/8 subsonic and lpf are all the way down radio about 3/4 up and and when I get into the amp remote to where it starting really hitting it will pop never heard any sub do this. Right when it starts getting down and sounding good it starts popping like its bottoming out or something I have gone over everything my grounds my power took sub out the box no damage from what I can tell speaker wire and all I can't figure this out 

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