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What's The Most Pain You Have Experienced?

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nothing big for me but when i was a kid my sister was pulling the "pull-out bed" and it hit my big toe, it instantly took the nail out of the toe.

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scar is damn near 20 yrs old so its faded quite abit.

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its hard to get a good pic lol withuot my balls showing hahhahaha.

its okay, you can put it on the 18+ with your balls showing...

j/k :D

but damn thats quite a big scar, can't imagine what it looked like before

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falling down a flight of stairs and not letting go of the railing = dislocated shoulder. i managed to pop it back in and was in so much pain i nearly passed out. fucker still hurts.

Need any thing chromed? Hit me up!!!

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Hey Bassboombottom, my left arm looks like your right arm,

and I had the same metal parts inside (11 fractures in my ulna) :)

Thought long about writing about it here,

didnt want to go through everything again and again,

but from time to time its neccessary...

The reason was something different:

Back in 1992 I had "my accident" what changed my life

drastically, in a good way, but also in bad ways.

Car frontal offset crash (I was not guilty)

with a difference of about 140mp/h.


49 fractures all over the body!

Torn internals (lost 1/6th of my loung)

Impressed thorax and rips

(couldnt breath right for months)

Forever damaged muscles and nerves,

and so on and so on.

Cannot even remember all hurtings,

but it was a long long list.

Even my "best" parts got something...

(Not to mention the pain through long term cathethers

at "this special part" of my body, what caused infections...)

Almost lost left leg and left arm,

lost the life two times, but made it back here :)

(No, I didnt see a tunnel or something else)

7 surgeries in the first 14 days, 3 more within

next two years.

1 year (with a short break) hospital.

So much pain that I would have ended my life

in the 1st 3 weeks if somebody would have

made it possible for me. And that is NO JOKE,


Sat in a wheelchair and was close to be "paraplegic"

in the first time.

For 2 weeks my left leg was "open" from the knee

up to the hip. 30 fractures at the femur and

cutted muscles and vains, the leg was fullfilled with about

1 liter of blood and just the fact that I have my tight

workers jeans on, it wasnt too much blood so that I had

some blood left for "my body" to work...

In this 2 weeks I saw my raw muscles when they cleaned them

everyday to keep infections away! It looked like a big bloody steak. SERIOUS!

Just that this Steak moved when touching it. You saw the

little muscle strings working and moving into each other and little

portion of blood comes out of em at every move. Really scary but interesting also!

Unfortunatly, the day my parents brought me my videocamera

to film it, I got another surgery and they sealed it with skin

from my other leg. (other leg was broken also at the ankle,

as well as the left tibia).

Two years after, I got an infection at my femur bone.

There was a little chance to get my left leg cut off.

How you feel after fighting for years to make

it work again, I dont have to express to you...

My Jaw bone joint was broken also (the steering wheel hit me,

Or I hit it, or better, we met half way). So no chewing or

even real speaking was possible. Was in Coma for one day

and then in hard pain for at least 4 weeks straight.

Didnt really sleep for about 5 weeks! (just closed the eyes for surgery).

I only was paralized some times.

At the accident I was caught in the total crashed car

for about 2 hours. They fought about my life and reanimated me.

Tragic was, that my parents were present. (Accident was 2 miles from home,

and a friend informed my parents, he was right behind me at the accident).

Glad that cell phones came up and somebody immediately called the


The firemen "extended my car" (fixing it at a tree, and the other side with

a big tow truck). Had my femur bones looking out of my throwsers, and saw the bones

disappearing back into my leg when they "extended" the car. Left arm was

caught also, on the underside it looked out, and they wanted to cut it, and

put it back on afterwards!!! Loungs were filled with blood and it is

always more important to get to breath.

Right food was out of the joit, and my toes laid on my tibia.

Dont have to metion that I yelled and screamed. As said, I was awake for

straight 2 hours (of course I got medicaments).

Needed about 4 years to get back to halfway normal daily life, with the

problems if walking. Needed two crutches for 3 years (difficult with one

broken arm also, and two damaged legs). Walked with a cane til the year 2001!

(Some people from dB Drag World Finals remember me walking around with it).

Not to mention that I lost my job and the ability to get a new job, bc

nobody wants to employ such a "broken person", I will have a lot of

days off bc of illness, thats why I am self employed now and have to

fight to survive (moneywise). Its not really fair, bc I wasnt guilty

for my accident. A young woman was, what never apologized to me...

Today, 16 years later, I still have much problems and pain.

(Also lots of headaches and depressions sometimes)

Joints are stiff and not sitting exactly into place. It will become worse and worse

during the next years. So its important for me to keep up some

muscle mass. Other muscles (in my ass and my thight) are not working anymore

and will be "thin" forever. But at the moment I can walk and act in a normal way

that NOBODY will recognize that I am an invalid. But I am working on 110% of my abilities then.

After the day, I am exhausted. When I do my promotion job during 8-9 months a year,

I am so tired that I need a break for the rest of the time.

So its difficult to explain to somebody that I am exhausted for now, or

that I cannot do more, bc I look like a normal human, bc I hide my disabilities

as good as I can.

I can lift and move things (put in system in my carss :) ), but not too heavy, and I cant carry them

because of the problems with my legs and hips&shoulders (and my backbone).

Thats why I am building them smart, in parts, so that I can easy change them and

move them around bymyself ;)

But one wrong move, and I cannot do anything for straight a week. Sometimes I cannot sleep

bc of pain and sometimes I have problems with my equilibrium.

But anyways, after all that pain, I learned a lot, I managed a lot, and

I am GLAD to made it halfway back to life! During the one year in Hospital I learned

that there are way more people what were hit harder (of course I say I am

one leader in feeling pain, but I lost no extremities or so, its there,

but its hurting much). Some of these people motivated me. I saw that it

could have been more worse. Brain is (halfways LOL) working, I am always optimistic

and learned a lessen for life : Its always good to fight for your life!

After all that year I remember basically the good things. And just from time

I talk (like in this long posting, sorry for that) about it and recognize

what a damn horrortrip it was, and that I was ready, prepared and willing to leave this world!

Just to get away from that damn pain! I am glad I didnt...

(Otherwise you all will not have to fight through my long postings and reports LOL)

PS:And even small pain is worth to moan about!

I dont say (like others what were hurt badly)

that somebody should be quiete when he cuts his finger!

I even feel with this guy. It hurts damn much and he

has a right to express his feelingS! Just the fact that

somebody got hurt more, doesnt give the right to him,

to keep people shut up...

PS2.: I also can write NOVELS about my accident and my

first time in hospital, but I dont want to torture you all more :)

PS3.: I also hope that I never will have problems with kidney stones!

Thats one serious pain you have to manage! Hats off to the people

what had this kind of problems...

That was my totalled car.

On the pic you see it already 3 feet "longer" than

at the point of the accident:

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Michael tongue.gif

www.SQPL.de Rulez!

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Your Soldier bro.... a real warrior.

it takes a really strong person to come back from that.

I got even more love for the Big Oki now.

Glad your still with us, it was a pleasure to meet you.


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Im 35 so Ive through a few things, in 2003 I had a double whammy. First in May I was racing on my 954 after 2 hours sleep and being up close to 48 hours, i hit the Grand Central Pkwy concrete center divider at about 70mph after i was close 130 to seconds prior. I fell asleep or had a long blink and when I opened my eyes, I was close to the wall and managed to slow to about 70 but the hit was still big. I stood stuck riding that divider and my whole left side getting abused. I never fell of the bike znd managed to stay up to a complete stop. A nurse passing by came to check me and noticed blood on my left hand so she cut the glove open and my ring and my bird finger fell on the gas tank. Look like a chichen bone broke with the splinters. My left knee cap was blown out. Thank God I was fully geared but that was a walk in the park when a month later while i was about 60%, i went to a car audio shop to put in my bazooka tubes, i get a call on my cell.............

my daughter drowns in the backyard pool, (5) years old! I have a huge story behind it but let's just say that....I have been jumped a few times, shot, stabbed twice, played out by my first love..... I wish I could go through those physical hurts 1,000,000Xs and would smile about it then go through another experience of a passing of a child. The hurt is unbearable borderline suicideable....

Sorry for the rant but i usually speak my mind

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I feel with you and agree totally that nothing can be harder than

seeing and feeling when somebody loved goes away and you cant help!

Thats why I mentioned my parents also in my report, what stood right

beside the helpers what fought for me for about 2 hours.

Dont even want to think about their feelings when they see their only

child beeing wrecked and about 15 firemen running around and working

their way through to somebody you love, crying, yelling, bleeding,

passing out sometimes by getting no real breath, coming back again

and so on, without beeing able to do something...

Again, I feel with you!


Michael tongue.gif

www.SQPL.de Rulez!

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my daughter drowns in the backyard pool, (5) years old! I have a huge story behind it but let's just say that....I have been jumped a few times, shot, stabbed twice, played out by my first love..... I wish I could go through those physical hurts 1,000,000Xs and would smile about it then go through another experience of a passing of a child. The hurt is unbearable borderline suicideable....

I cant even begin to think what kind of pain that would bring...................................... I think I would rather Die, then Face that.

we don't see Eye to Eye on Car Audio and the 12v industry.

But I must give you Credit for Being Strong Enough to Keep going for the rest of your Family.

Sorry to Hear about your loss, as a Father I feel For you, and Pray for you.

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I feel with you and agree totally that nothing can be harder than

seeing and feeling when somebody loved goes away and you cant help!

Thats why I mentioned my parents also in my report, what stood right

beside the helpers what fought for me for about 2 hours.

Dont even want to think about their feelings when they see their only

child beeing wrecked and about 15 firemen running around and working

their way through to somebody you love, crying, yelling, bleeding,

passing out sometimes by getting no real breath, coming back again

and so on, without beeing able to do something...

Again, I feel with you!

I cant even begin to think what kind of pain that would bring...................................... I think I would rather Die, then Face that.

we don't see Eye to Eye on Car Audio and the 12v industry.

But I must give you Credit for Being Strong Enough to Keep going for the rest of your Family.

Sorry to Hear about your loss, as a Father I feel For you, and Pray for you.

Thanks guys. When you are a parent you figured your child will bury you and not the other way around. I was once or twiced asked "Would I give everything up for a chan.....", yes, yes yes yes yes. I didn't allow the guy to finish. I always told evryone that I knew, give your child a kiss or even say Goodbye because It may be the last time you see them, I never said goodbye because I was busy rushing out the house. It haunts me til this day and I guess I will never have closure . i strated the mag because of her and in very first issue i had a page just for her. 6 years later, 3 kids later. it still is a problem but it's easier. may no one go through it not even an enemy.

the movie john q with denzel, is something that i cry even when i have seen i about 50Xs,llok at me sobbing like a little girl, fuck it

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