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Wait don't get too freaked out over that post. I didn't mention, if you were to build a dependence on them you can go to pain clinics and get prescribed Methadone or Suboxin which are both synthetic versions of the synthetic heroin OxyContin. These are non-addictive but have nearly the same exact effects.


Team T3 Audio

Team Sundown Audio

Team O.B.M

Operation Beast Mode

"Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear"

wigglez that was a bit over the top, i dont want to invison dw giving any young lady a "cream pie" let alone "throat babies".
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I worked in anesthesia for 3 years and had to learn all kinds of stuff for drugs becuase it was in the operating rooms, not just pain killers but caffine, sleeping pills, just about anything can be addictive. Like most people said it's more a mental addiction becuase it's the habit of taking them period. I currently am addicted to caffine drinks go figure! I would try to take the pain as much as I could but I don't how bad it is for you.

Caffeine has been statistically prove to me the MOST addictive drug there is. It doens't suprise me, all the fat ladies still buy their diet cokes and half of the U.S drinks coffee twice a day. Go figure.


Team T3 Audio

Team Sundown Audio

Team O.B.M

Operation Beast Mode

"Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear"

wigglez that was a bit over the top, i dont want to invison dw giving any young lady a "cream pie" let alone "throat babies".
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Thanks for the info guys, Believe me the last thing I want to do is take all of these pills everyday,but to make a long story short, and hopefully I dont gross you all out,I was having horrible stomach pains,So I go to the doctor, and after a whole slew of tests, with no answers they do a cat scan.

The cat scan revealed that I had three small cancerous tumors, So I go in to the hospital to have them removed, during surgery, the doctor finds three more and removes them as well. It turns out that two of them had fused onto my large intestine, and about a week after the first surgery the doctor has to go back in and remove about 1-1/2 feet of my intestine.

So now I canot eat anything without going through agonizing pain. Even with the painkilers something as light and bland as a bowl of plain white rice makes me double over in pain. So even after removing the tumors, chemo, and radiation, the doctor told me it would be at least 8 to 9 months untill My intestine will fully heal, Believe me you cannot imagine what it is like not to be able to eat without going through pain that makes you wish you would just die. And if I do not eat at all, and just drink the nutrition shakes they gave me the pain is just as bad(Oh and by the way just to make sure That my doctor was diagnosing me correctly, I went to THREE different hospitals that specialize in cancer treatment and they all came up with the same answer).

So believe me when I tell you that I am not just taking these pills for fun or to get high. I am going through a hell that I would not wish on my worst enemy, So like I said earlier, I am stuck taking these pills untill my intestine heals, and I'm able to eat normally again.

I just want to say thank you to everyone for the advice and support you have all been very helpfull.

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As a major Drug addict I feel for you man.

Vik's,Perc's, OC's, Roxycontin,(fave),and methodone.

Yes these are all horrible narcotics and withdraws or being Dope Sick is horrible.

If I was in your shoes and was concerned, I would concentrate on trying to only take the Perc 10/325s and keep the OCs back unless you just can't handle the pain.

I have been on the drugs listed above. All I can tell you is I fell in love with them. To wake up for work and not have pain, to get home and not have pain. Those pills make me feel like a young man again.

What I said above- If you start to feel like that then its time to lower the dosage for awhile.

The withdraws suck but they aren't that bad. You might have the flu like symptoms for aweek and when they are gone you might feel just plain weak for a few weeks to the point you just want to lay in bed.

The good news is, is that its only temporary. You should be back on your feet in a month.

You don't want to get addictected to these drugs but its going to happen. Try and do as much reading on those drugs as you can. You need to inform yourself.

I think you will be fine.

I relapsed 6 months ago while already being physically addicted to Xanax. I am just liveing in a nightmare of my creation and only I can do anything about it.

When I don't have drugs you will find me in bed untill I get drugs.

I have put out enough money in drugs the last 6 months that I should have close to 3 T40001BDs brand new.

Don't let my shit scare you. you have the same chance as the rest of us just proceed with cation.

Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Destruction of a person builds character.



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Constipation is going to be part of your life now.

Its just what those pills do man.

Try a high fiber diet to fight constapation.

Talk about getting sick and feeling crappy.

When I end up constipated for a week or 2 I get badly sick.

Its to your benifit to try and make your bowels move atleast once aday.

If you feel like you can shit when you wake up. Do it.

For me if I wake up feeling like I can shit and I take my Perc 10/325 first. within minutes I don't feel like I have to shit anymore. Thats one way to get badly constapated.

Depression might come hang out with you. When that happens open the windows. Get sunshine in your liveing area quick. Stay away from the dark.

Depression is a sneaky little bastard. Real sunshine and positive thoughts are the only thing that will help you the most and are very much free.

I wish I could sit down and type exactly what I need to type but I'm flacky this mornning. So heres my ball of confustion.

From what I have been through I hate the thought of another person strugling with physical drug addiction.

Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Destruction of a person builds character.



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Hey if you have buddies that have positive attitudes and don't mess with drugs. Real friends.

I suggest spending as much time with them as you can.

Being around other positive and caring forces might help you alot.

Its even possible that wile you are with these positive forces your pain might not be as bad as usual.

Actully there is alot of things that could happen to benifit you by just being around positive and good people.

This is why some doctors will put a cronic pain patient on anti-depresants.

Positive energy is no joke.

Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Destruction of a person builds character.



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I havent talked about this on the forums much, but I've had more than my fair share of painkiller addictions. If you can take them as directed without craving them, chances are you'll be fine. If you find yourself wanting/needing more, and looking forward to taking them, then its time to do something about it. The fact that you're aware of the addictiveness is good tho, most people dont realize how badly addictive that shit is until they're already hooked. It took me 28 days in rehab to get off painkillers, xanax, and some other shit and I wouldnt wish that upon anyone. Just be totally honest with your doctor and if needed, talk to an addiction specialist. I think you'll be alright, you seem like you have your head on straight. Just keep talkin man, worst thing u can do is not talk to anyone about it. You'll be okay tho, and I know myself and other SMD members are here to help ya if u need anything.

1989 Chevy Caprice Classic
350ci V8 High Performance

JVC Arsenal HU

JL XR series components

Infinity Reference 6x9s

Pioneer Premier 4-Channel

Clarion 2-Channel

Rockford Fosgate Series 1 2-Channel

Fusion 2000.1D

MTX Crossover

RF, Knu, Kicker, and Monster wiring

NVX VCW 12in. Sub **Won on here from the Sonic contest!**

*Build log coming soon!*

Starting all over pretty much which the gear listed...lost almost everything I had, including my life. Never take life and what's in it for granted.

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I havent talked about this on the forums much, but I've had more than my fair share of painkiller addictions. If you can take them as directed without craving them, chances are you'll be fine. If you find yourself wanting/needing more, and looking forward to taking them, then its time to do something about it. The fact that you're aware of the addictiveness is good tho, most people dont realize how badly addictive that shit is until they're already hooked. It took me 28 days in rehab to get off painkillers, xanax, and some other shit and I wouldnt wish that upon anyone. Just be totally honest with your doctor and if needed, talk to an addiction specialist. I think you'll be alright, you seem like you have your head on straight. Just keep talkin man, worst thing u can do is not talk to anyone about it. You'll be okay tho, and I know myself and other SMD members are here to help ya if u need anything.

Thanks for the advice benji,

The funny part of all of this is that I dont like these damn things, granted they help alot with the pain, but I dont look forward to taking them because they make me feel so out of it, I feel bad coming on the forums and bitching about this to everyone, but I am just miserable right now You know what I mean, this pain is the worst ever,but when I take these meds the pain eases up a little bit, but then I feel like a total retard because the pills make me so loopy it is just a very fucked up situation,but I guess like everyone is telling me I should just be thankful to be alive.

Sorry for all of the bitching and moaning,

Thank You again for all of the advice and the well wishes

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I feel bad coming on the forums and bitching about this to everyone, but I am just miserable right now You know what I mean

I guess like everyone is telling me I should just be thankful to be alive.

Sorry for all of the bitching and moaning,

Shit dude don't feel bad about anything. :D

I was on my way to a breakdown and was scared to post but I posted something anyway.

I was surprised and thankful that there were others that had issues too and they talked to me.

It reminded me that we are all human.

Man everything will be fine. B)

Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Destruction of a person builds character.



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When I fucked up my hand they had me on perks 2x a day for about two weeks. Then after that they upd my dosage size and had me taking vikidens 3x a day. I was having all kinds of with drawls. Couldnt sleep, itching like crazy, was really irritable and cranky, and worst of all I had horrible anxiety attacks. You cant just stop taking them cold turkey. You do have to wein your self off of them. But like the doctor said I would just worry about getting better first.


Vehicle: 2001 Ford Escape

Head Unit: Kenwood Kdc-x592

All out for a rebuild.

New shit coming in the next 30 days.


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