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Anyone Else Ever Had This Happen?

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So this is the fourth night in a row that I either couldn't get to sleep or couldn't stay asleep. I have been dead tired since Monday. Got about an hour of sleep Sunday night, the same Monday night. Last night I actually slept decently...until about 3AM when I got up and couldn't get back to sleep. Today I went to bed at 930 and got up at about 1230. Tossed and turned in bed for a half hour and finally gave up and came downstairs and got on here. This is really pissing me off; it's messing with my schoolwork and whatnot.

Just needed to vent some.

Too many projects, too little time...

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sounds like you've got alot of shit on your mind.

even if its not bad.

i used to do that too, i would have a split second thought about something and then end up thinking about it and then that would lead me to thinking about something else and i would never get to sleep.

the way i solved it is the second i have that first thought when i get in bed i go figure it out real quick (takes 30 minutes to figure it out instead of 4 hours of useless tossing and turning)

for example: if i was wondering if i could afford a coilover suspension i get out of bed that second and go research till i find my answer.

then i get back in the bed satisfied and pass out(even if i couldn't afford it i make up some budget to save for it)

but now i don't have that problem cuz i work night shift, get off at 12 at night and just stay up all night till about 6 in the morning, get a good 7 hours of sleep then i'm back at it. :D

or you could just beat off 2 times in a row and try for a third in a 15 minute span(that will leave you so tired you won't have a choice whether or not you can sleep.

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I've been like that for years bro nothing to worry about you will get use to it over time.



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sounds stupid, but I've had this work for me.... always.

When your laying there with your eyes closed, move them back and forth (imitate REM sleep) While your concentrating on moving your eyes your not thinking of the shit thats keeping you awake, and I think maybe your brain also thinks your trying to get to sleep or something.......

Like I said, sounds weird, but I've had it work.... I start doing it when I can't sleep, next thing you know I'm waking up in the morning.

I have an active brain too, I end up consciously thinking of stuff when I'm sleeping and dreaming..... I can even carry on conversations while i'm dead asleep.

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I've been like that my whole life.. I started smokin a bowl before i lay down and it helps me stay knocked out..

Haha I was gonna suggest something like that.

When your laying there with your eyes closed, move them back and forth (imitate REM sleep) While your concentrating on moving your eyes your not thinking of the shit thats keeping you awake, and I think maybe your brain also thinks your trying to get to sleep or something.......

Thats actually not a bad idea.

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