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Space-time And The Fourth Dimension

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I am bringing sexy back...I like this topic, let's not let it slip away again. I wrote this today cause I was bored...something to ponder:

Why? The question will always remain answerless, no matter how hard we try. Why are we here? Why life? Why now? No one can say for certain. How, on the other hand, can be solved by the intuitive and visceral abilities of mankind. Our perception of the universe, through our senses and furthermore, through our minds, remains remarkably narrow. But, we have established a foundation for future generations to engineer into a substantial structure, one which not only allows for, but encourages, extrinsic thought processes, propagating those whom concieve ideas such as a 5th dimension. The tangible world which we know, in a physical sense, is no larger than a quark composing a piece of dust in the wind. However, if we consider those electronic signals traveling through our nerves to be as palpable as the objects they represent, maybe our understanding of the universe, and even what could theoretically lie outside, if such a place exists, has the potential to resemble that of what genuinely occurs, and possibly, such new ideas could concieve a universe currently thought to be surreal. We can only wait, and see what the future, life, and the universe (and maybe even multiverse) has in store for us.

A vitrolic, megalomaniacal sadistic psychopath.

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i was talkin to my gf bout this black hole thing and she brought up a good point.

a black hole supposedly compacts all the matter into an infintesimally small point while still retaining its orginal mass.

this is impossible due to the law of conservation of matter. matter must be destroyed (ormoved) in order for this point to exist

this leads me to believe a black hole and worm hole are one and the same. they simply move the objects someplace else

make sense?

astronomy class FTMFW in college. Black holes are very interesting and can really make you think if you do your reading on them. a black hole is suppose to be very small, almost the size of the tip of your pin but still has its same densitiy or whatever i forgot allot about it.

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