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New Twist on My Long Time Profession

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Yes, except most inverters are not going to cooperate. You could use a transfer switch but the inverters that are intended for standard grid-interaction are setup to shutdown without the grid.

I suppose that they figure if someone wants backup power, they will use a battery backup system in which case, the inverter would have a built in transfer switch for such instances.

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Just a quick update. Oncor switched out my meter to a "net" meter yesterday which was the final step required to begin making my own power. I read the meter before I left for work today and then again just now as I came home for lunch.

My home's utility usage - 2kwh

My home's solar usage - 2kwh

The power I exported - 3kwh :D

I love it.

Does this mean that your solar units generated 5kwh (2kwh usage + 3kwh exported) during the relevant time period?

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Yes sir. My home consumed 4 (2 solar, 2 utility) and then the solar exported 3.

The late evening and night time was all utility power and this morning wasn't much for the solar power because it was really dark and overcast but it cleared up after a little bit. I was home around 12:30 and I had the same results as yesterday except the solar only exported 2kwh.

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