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Weightlifting/ Workout

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deca is lame...its a bulking steroid not really something that you would take while cutting lmao

Winstrol is the key there...

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The overall goal is 120 pounds. Just wanna try to cut as much as I can before I go haha.

Umm... 120 final weight? Or lose 120? Either way that's ridiculous! You're either really small or really big lol.

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Damn dude. That's not easy. Even with steroids.

Good luck though! Let us know how it turns out.

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Your best bet is gonna be to spread out those meals more often rather than just cutting them in half. There's a radical method some professionals use to use that involves ingesting about 6000+ calories a day eight times for three weeks, then dropping to 2500 total per day using the same schedule. You would gain a few pounds, then drop like 35 depending how much your working out.

Your best bet would be to wake up in the middle of your sleep (or twice) to eat some protein food and a veggie. Eat your carbs in the morning, then cut them the rest of the day. Your body (particularly your brain) needs carbs to function properly, so don't cut them out completely. Limiting to two pieces of wheat bread in the morning will suffice.

I also suggest varying the workout. Don't powerlift. Use any forms of HIT training that you can find online, then take at least one day off per week to recover. IF you don't let your body recover, you will not be burning as many calories as you want to since you're glycogen levels will be low and you'll be reducing the effectiveness of the work out. EDIT: Plus you'll be very susceptible to injury. And then you can't work out at all.

Studies have shown that running BEFORE your work out will yield higher calorie burns when you HIT or lift.

I've got a ton more info since this is my specialty. I can give more if you want. I'm all about helping people achieve insane goals.

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Right now I get there and do 2 miles on the treadmill then upper body day one, Next day 2 miles on the treadmill and lower body, next day 3 miles,bike,elliptical,cardio stuff. Then take one day off and repeat.

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Speaking of...I'm up to 235 on bench on my 5x5 workout...that is..after 3 verrry light warm up sets...






I'm taking a week off now...deloading plus my elbow is giving me hell.

I'm not cutting until I get 315 up twice...don't care how long it takes....

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