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R.I.P. Alpine 9813

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I have a 9813 and it has worked flawlessly until now. I got it back in June of '03. I got in my car the other day and started it and the deck would not play the disc. The unit powered up fine but said Error. I tried to eject the cd and the face folded down but would not eject. Then I could not get the face to fold back up. I reset the deck and it started working again (except I lost all of my settings). That was the last time it worked. It will power up fine. If I try to play the cd I get "error". I can switch to FM but there is no audio and it won't let me change stations, it just beeps. It has been like this for a few days. Nothing has changed in my install at all in the past 2 years at least. I'm thinking that the deck is gone or is there any hope?Assuming that I have to get another deck, does anyone have any recommendations? I have only ever had Alpine. I believe I had the 7998 before this one but I'm not 100% sure. My instinct will tell me to get another Alpine and the closest thing to the one I had is the 9887, I believe. I want full EQ & X-over controls. I looked at some mid-range priced Pioneers ($200-$350) but I've never used them, they didn't really catch my eye and I really hate to spend money and end up disappointed. I don't have anything against them and I know a lot of you run them. I've searched and seen a lot of reviews. Does anyone think I should try out the pioneers or stick to what I know which is Alpine?Sorry for the long post.

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