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Saz1500 (Needs Repair)

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im inturested in this also. but it depends on the amount to repair.

And far as the best connection ever.......

get a huge fucking battery, cut the top off, drop an alt in there and then pour all that into your big amplifier. or just smelt them all together.

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Ok man I sent the payment over an hour ago and still no reply, I also sent you the address I would like it shipped to. Let me know something.

i was thinking leave the 12 sitting in the box in the hole and duck tape from the bottom of the sub to the bottom of the baffle so the sub doesnt free air. would that work?

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Hey man just wondering whats up with this, its been 5 days and no reply.

i was thinking leave the 12 sitting in the box in the hole and duck tape from the bottom of the sub to the bottom of the baffle so the sub doesnt free air. would that work?

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