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JL 12w6v2 SEALED box design.


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I've searched many forums for SEALED box recommedations and so far, I've learned that a 2.75 ^ may be the best.

Does anyone have any FIRSTHAND experience with SEALED boxes for the 12w6's?

If so, what's THE BEST size to build a box for TWO of these subs?

35" wide, 16" high and 15" deep, is as big as I could go.

I'll be using 1" MDF.

Thanks guys.


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i have two 12w6v2s and ive had them in 2 different sealed boxes and a ported box. i would go with a box between 2.25 and 3 cuft. this made the subs alot more musical and hit lows better.. the only problem with me is i am a ported fan so i have to push the subs in a sealed box to get the loudness i am accustomed to. bigger is better

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