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Started All Fiberglass Box

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Well i have finally figured out my funds and have started to build an all fiberglass box for my camaro. This is a huge step since it is only the second time i have really worked with fiberglass and the first was a great failure. I will post pictures as soon as I get my parents camera, Ya I know but I want a new system more than I need a camera. Well any way my question is after I have done a few layers I took a step back and noticed that the box is a little wavy with some dips here and there. Is this going to be a problem. I didnt know if I would get any noise from the waves and dips as the air moved over them. I tried sanding but they are some what larger then I thought and I didnt want to take the time today. Any thoughts? One idea I had was to line the inside of the box with dura glass but I have never seen this, only on the outside of the box. Would the dura glass stand up being inside the box. Thanks for the help.

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Well i have finally figured out my funds and have started to build an all fiberglass box for my camaro. This is a huge step since it is only the second time i have really worked with fiberglass and the first was a great failure. I will post pictures as soon as I get my parents camera, Ya I know but I want a new system more than I need a camera. Well any way my question is after I have done a few layers I took a step back and noticed that the box is a little wavy with some dips here and there. Is this going to be a problem. I didnt know if I would get any noise from the waves and dips as the air moved over them. I tried sanding but they are some what larger then I thought and I didnt want to take the time today. Any thoughts? One idea I had was to line the inside of the box with dura glass but I have never seen this, only on the outside of the box. Would the dura glass stand up being inside the box. Thanks for the help.

i just started a fiberglass build on my camaro too, what year is yours? the dips or waves whatever you want to call them shouldnt cause a problem unless they are weak in those spots. if so i would fiberglass a few layers on the inside and then use some duraglass and body filler on the outside to fill in the waves.

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Actually, if its on the inside, the waves can be structural. I mean it's obviously better looking for it to be flat, but if you aren't seeing it, fiberglass is stronger in curves. And you won't hear the difference.

A couple links to some box builds:

Tahoe Box 1, Tahoe Box 2, Nissan Titan, VW GTI,

Mini-Bump, Hummer H2, Ford F-150

My own car builds (current setup --- under construction):

Overall Thread, Kickpods, Dash, Back Doors

Subwoofer Wall

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Ya I figured they were helping but just wondering. They are not week just dont look the best. Oh ya it is going in a 2000 camaro going to be installing two 12" bls and a t20001bd, but that is going to be down the road right now i am trying to get the box done because i am moving and will not have a garage at the end of July so I have to go fast. Thanks for the help.

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What do you guys think so I go with the .75 ohm coils or the 1.5's. The box is going to be around 4.2 cubic feet so I dont know if I would get the rise out of the .75's to bring it up to one ohm. Thanks again hopefully my subs now will be sold tomorrow so going to be ordering the new ones soon.

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