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JL 10/12 w6v2 or Hertz HX 250/300d


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I have been lurking for a while and decided to join up and ask a few questions. Planing to put a system in my Subaru Legacy with 2 old amps i had from my previous car...RF Power 1000.1bd (from around 2002) and a RF 400x4. The subs would be getting roughly 400-500 a piece.

I want a nice SQ set up that still can sound powerfull and full....hard hits you can feel but dont need somthing that will make my teeth shatter.

I wanted to get 10s because i liek how responsive, fast, clean they can sound as opposed to 12s....but maybe i am wrong. I have been out of the game for 6 or so years and I am told that 12s can be just as tight and responsive as 12s and 10s can get as deep as 12s.

I am getting a good price from a shop my friend used to work at. I have not been able to hear any w6v2s except for a single 10 in a HO box (i thought it sounded impressive for 1 10..dont know how 2 sealed would compair to that). The shop did however have a sealed box with 2 Hertz 300d in there and it sounded very good...i was impressed. I all ready made up my mind on the Hertz HSK 165 components for the front but need some sub advice and was ready to get 2 10w6v2's but then i heard this Hertz sub and dont know what to do.

Space isnt too much of an issue...so that isnt making me lean towards the 10s for saving space...esp with the smaller box specs for the JLs. I also liek the wicked cas boxes for my car but they are $300 a piece..ouch

Has anyone heard the Hertz HX 250 (10s) or 300D(12s)? How do they sound/hit as compaired to the JL 10 or 12w6v2? Also, how about the 10 vs 12 issue? Can a set of 12s hit nice and clean like the 10s. My last system had 2 12 Kicker Solobarics (L7) in a hatchback...very loud but not clean..i am looking for something different but that is how i think of a 12 sub sounding.

Thanks a lot for the help!

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Also, how about the 10 vs 12 issue? Can a set of 12s hit nice and clean like the 10s. My last system had 2 12 Kicker Solobarics (L7) in a hatchback...very loud but not clean..i am looking for something different but that is how i think of a 12 sub sounding.

Size doesn't matter when it comes to subs in terms of SQ.

18 inch sub will hit as "fast" as a 8 inch sub, a 8 inch sub can get as low as a 18" sub.

Thinking is the root of all problems...

You ALWAYS get what you pay for.

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