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Hi guys, I am seriously considering to buy myself a Mitsubishi CE Lancer 1996 model as a first car and it currently has '162 600 miles' on it and was told that after around 160 000 miles you will get engine problems.

Is this true ?

and what other engine concerns should I keep a look out for.


Thanks :)

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mitsubishi makes terrible engines. if you happen to get one that the timing belt doesnt slip after 160,000 miles you are lucky. i kid you not in one month i see at least 3-4 mitsubishi vehicles in that wont start, 99% of the time the timing belt has slipped, and mitsubishi has not made a non interference engine before 06 ish. basicly an interference engine is an engine where if the timing were to slip, the pistons would come up when the valves are open and the pistons would smash the valves. if theperson was lucky the valves and timing belt were the only things that needed replaced. that alone is almost 1500 bucks in labor alone. then you add parts on top of that and it is almost 2500 bucks. if you are unlucky the pistons and connecting rods got smashed and bent, then the best thing to do is an engine swap, at most shops that can cost anywhere from $5000-$7500. i advise my customers to stay away from mitsubishi, but the decision doesnt lie in my hands, i just want people to know the truth. good luck with your decision.

This page is crispy_chick3n approved.

© crispy_chick3n inc

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im glad. i had a buddy who bought an 02 eclipse. he dropped 2000 cash for it. he drove it for 2 weeks, the timing slipped. i helped him out and swapped the engine for him and didnt charge him labor. i just chargedhim a 30 pack of budweiser. he dropped 1700 buckscash for a junkyard engine, he is back on the road now, but he had the car for 2 weeks andhe needed a new engine. and before you ask, yes he sells weed, and the good stuff at that. :good:

This page is crispy_chick3n approved.

© crispy_chick3n inc

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