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Everything posted by bibby>Chode

  1. I've been waiting for about 5months for the next class to start. I am as of today at noon officially a Training Store Manager at RadioShack. It's a 9 month class, but at the end of it, i will be able to take over my own store. 35k/yr. Hopefully i will get a store far away from here. I am hoping this is my ticket out of this podunk ass town. We'll see. Anyways, it's a $2.50/hr raise, so thats a plus, then when i take over my own store, then it's the big money. Well, for only being 20. My DM told me he wants me in my own store by the end of the year. Oh, and out of 10 people who interviewed for the position accross our district, only me, and one other person got in. I start tomorrow, and i am sooooo stoked!
  2. I' gonna guess somethin to do with draggin. Sucks bro, but fill us in!
  3. LOL at the classic funkypup photo!
  4. We had a good turnout from ca.com last year, i think around 10 members. Lots of good times were had. A few of us competed, some just attended. We have some members from the area here at smd, so i hope to see you guys there! This is a USACi Double Points event for all you competitors. For everyone one else, there is drag racing, car show, burnouts, boxing, girls, food, audio comp, girls, and much much more! http://www.importfaceoff.net/ http://www.soundoff.org/usaci.htm If you plan on being there, post up!
  5. I got my notepad out for my new project. Fridgeputer. I am going to flush a 15" lcd in the front of the freezer door using the methods you used on the deck, air ride control, and carputer screen. BTW: We are building a 3.0ghz 2gb ram machine in a freezer of a top/bottom fridge. Then take it to lan parties with drinks and shit in the bottom. Gonna be coool as shit. We are going to OC the piss out of it too
  6. idk. that baffled the shit out of me too bro! Hell, to make it even more confusing, the one that my "guide" said was a ground, wasnt. It had me all fucked up till i hollered steve's direction.
  7. If the cylinders are 3/8, jsut use a 1/2 to 3/8 reducer as it goes into the top of them. That's how mine are on the rear.
  8. LOL, i got lots of time down home depot's plumbing aisle bro. Honelsty, you have a good start. i would ditch the one fucked up vavle, and stick the other one to the side until you can get another 3 to do FBSS (. You can do jsut Front/Back with 4 valves. Also, do you know for sure those brackets fit your car? If you dont, check that, if you do, i'd invest in a good tank/compressor/fittings. Go with FBI for those three things. FBSS fitting kit(go ahead and get it, so you'll have the other fittings whent he time comes) is $100, a $60 7gallon tank, and the big unit compressor. 200. You're looking at 360, so like 420 shipped. Then some line, and a swithcbox should run you about 70bones. hit up www.grunionfabrication.com for that. Then misc stuff like zip ties, and tape for the fittings. About 500bones, and you're there bro!
  9. No! I got no comments when i permed my hair, so no comments for you! LOCKED! JKJK Looks Funky Fresh bro!
  10. If that thing was slammed, top was chopped about 4", and didnt have all the ricey shit on it, it MIGHT look good. I think that thing has potential in the right hands.
  11. I had been wanting to do a carputer setup, but hadnt done it b/c o was prepping for bags. Will the laptop hdd hold up. I'd assue if it can handle Chickens 8 18's, and bags, it can handle jsut bags. Steve, you have it runnin while movin around, or beatin yet?
  12. With my air ride on my civic now, i really want an alarm. It needs to have keyless entry, and remote start. Those are the must haves. A 2way would be nice, but is not preferred as i dont like gawdy keychains. I dont know much about alarms, so i would prolly have a shop install it unless they come with really good instructions. I have the complete 2007 12v resource wiring gude, so i could prolly do it myself. What are some recomendations? My budget is up to 300.
  13. I'm gonna say wheels. You already have beat, so get your shine on.
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