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Everything posted by Cdizzle

  1. got it... I went into options and turn the video settings basically to all low... It works... Thanks for the help guys. I cant wait to get my Sli set up though....
  2. Crash in application version: 30292.2673 Could not load texture because IDirect3D9::CreateTexture call failed. Direct3D does not have enough display memory to perform the operation. Renderer: threaded Physics : threaded That is what it said after I installed the patch.... I have winbar, and I was monitoring it It didnt get as low as last time, it was still 135MB left for use, when it used to be down to 20's.... You think that its my video card? Cause it says that Direct3D doesnt have enough display memory.... I got a nice ass 6600GT Evga AGP x8 video card (128MB)... ***UPDATE*** I just re installed the game, and it does the same thing... I dont think that it is my RAM, but something is up with my video card... That is my guess, even though it says that I meet min requirements.... Right after I install the game, that comes up saying that I can run the min, but not required....
  3. How long does the bulb last though? And whats the price on replacements? That is the only thing that has held me from getting one.
  4. Its dl'ed, but Wicked that posted above is the one that gave it to me.... And as you can see it runs on his computer, and I played it on his computer. I have tried to close back ground programs, and it did the same thing... I guess I could try to reinstall...
  5. Can someone please explain RAM timing to me? I am thinking of doing an SLi build and the only thing I cant decide on is the RAM is because of the timing.... I want the XMS series of Corsair, cause I have some right now and I like the oc I got on it. But Know nothing about timing. Someone wanna learn me?
  6. 1 Gig (2x512) XMS Corsair.... It says that I meet minimum specs, but I guess that I dont.
  7. I dont know why but I cant run it.... It says that I meet the minimum specs.... Check out what it does when I try to load the first level.... What the deal is?
  8. Its easier? You could tell me how to work it? What version?
  9. hahaha, 2 trannys (You dont need them to go, they just help your gas). He also told her that they didnt have to mess with the spare tire she was relieved hahahaha. Also charge nothing for the cigarette lighter but 70 bucks for installation.. hahaha. Damn That is great.
  10. Is there anything cool you can do with this program? I just want to add some 36hz tones to some songs, but I dont know much about it, or it would be nice to find out what tone hz are playing during the song, like a hz read out... Let me know.
  11. Those better be fast enough to catch a bullet... haaha, I wouldnt fight him.
  12. Just messing around. Been awhile since I got in photoshop! I wanted to start to get into cars when I was first messing around with photoshop, but just did some random art, ill be practicing.
  13. I know that it isnt over heating cause I have programs that do temp read outs....
  14. I dont know if this worked, but I wanted to quote both of you.... Anyways, I have tested and re tested it is stable at this... All This just recently happened. The more I think about it the more I believe it is this bluetooth adapter that I bought to transfer stuff from my phone to my computer. Its really laggy when you try to open it and stuff, maybe that is conflicting with the OS or something. I bought all the parts from Newegg.com A buddy of mine's computer crashed and he let me get some parts (Mobo and processor) and then I sent my old mobo and processor to Wicked (member of this forum) and now he is happy so thanks to my buddy whose computer crashed hahaha. Anyways "F" Norton... Just had to throw that in there...
  15. Dude, I had the same thing happen to me. It sucks... I believe I used Spybot Seach and Destroy... I remember that though, I couldnt ctrl+alt+del and it pissed me off... Glad you got it.
  16. I got every virus program but I havent installed them yet. I will never install norton on this computer... I would rather trash it then buy norton... Here is my set up if someone can tell me what is wrong with it AMD X2 3800+ 2.4 OC'ed 6600GT eVGA 128 video card 1 gigs corsair ram (XMS, 512x2) Gigabyte GA-K8NSC-939 Seagate 250 Gig hard drive (IDE) I really wanna raptor, im looking into it... Lite on CD and DVD burners Thermaltake 420 Watt PSU
  17. Man, I have been getting more and more problems with my computer... I think I have a bad bottleneck somewhere but I dont know what it could be... I was chillen on aim, had some other shit opened, and the computer was slowen up, right before it started getting slow I double clicked a song to open and it froze up then my PC reset. When I got logged back on it said "Windows has recovered from a serious error" and I sent the report, and all it said is there is no resolution for the problem, but keep sending in the logs... I wish that my car project was done, so I could get some cash for that SLi set up i keep dreaming about...
  18. I was wondering if inverting the sub improves anything, I had read somewhere that RMS goes up when you have the face of the sub IN the box... I was just wondering if this is true.
  19. My car is going on 50 years, and my gparents used to drive it 20 years ago, and it was running well until I decided to bore out the engine and rebuild the tranny. I could have fixed the blown head gasket but I decided if I am giong to keep this car, I want it to look nice, so im re doing the whole front end! It will be nice, check out my thread for more details
  20. They said on the site the video was on that the chick went deaf, is that possible? She had her ears covered and the other guy was just sitting there chillin.
  21. good job on the paint fix... I know exactly what kind of belts you are talking about, I have seen them before, and seen what they can do. Once again good job.
  22. My grandpa told me back in the day that people used to put moth balls in their gas, and it was supposed to give you better gas milage. IMO I dont believe there is anything that can do such a thing... The same amount of gas is going into your engine, the only thing I could see is if those pills swelled or something making the gas run slower to your engine which would then mean, loss of HP....
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