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FI 4 life

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Status Updates posted by FI 4 life

  1. NEED HELP! i have two 15" DC subs in a 4th order on a DD M2b at two ohms with a 100ah battery in rear and 14 volt stinger alternator under hood. when i press gas or turn gain too high amp goes into protect mode? in my old vehical i could run subs and amp on .7 ohms on 12 volts. ive done tried a new amp also and does same thing. please help

  2. any one know if the new TC sounds AT2500 amp would make my two 15" fi sp4's slam?

    1. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      no. why would you even think of using only A 2500 for A sp4

    2. SnowDrifter


      Not even for an sp4. For a pair of sp4s lol

      Define "slam"

      What do you have for electrical?

    3. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      A 5k amp would just get those hoes slightly kicking. If you're even up to par with your electrical...

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