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Everything posted by Electrodynamic

  1. Quick video we took of Paco's build immediately after we finished temporarily installing the loading wall. The wall needs to be fiberglassed over, holes sealed up, expanding foamed, etc. Then the entire outside shell of the box needs to come off, wood glue applied, and then re-mount the boards with double the amount of screws. The amps aren't gain matched at all, etc. But even in its crippled state it's pretty stinking loud!
  2. It was sealed up on the dash in the legal position. We are going to install the loading wall tomorrow and take more TL scores.
  3. You can get total diver(s) plus shipping estimates by using our shopping cart. Add however many to the cart and then estimate the shipping using your zip code here, http://obsidiancaraudio.com/index.php?id=9 I think you'll see very quickly that they handle more than rated power. Just don't clip your amp and you'll be fine. If you clip it you will smell the coil(s).
  4. Just metered it three times and I am very stoked about the result!!!! Keep in mind this is with zero tuning. Just playing as-is with multiple things to be fixed. Video uploading now...
  5. I think Paco has the full build pics on his phone but he's a fetus that doesn't know how to host them. I took the videos in this thread and put them up so people could see at least a little bit of the build.
  6. Picture of Steven and Paco getting ready to add a little more to the build today. Over Steven's shoulder are all the runs of the flat 3 awg power and ground wire to go from the amp bus bars to the amps and Paco is holding one of the two 4500D's that he will be running. I will upload a video of the progress in a few minutes after it finishes uploading to YouTube.
  7. Here's a video update on Paco's build. We will posting more video's in the up-coming weeks with more progress so stay tuned!
  8. ohh yea you did hah i was kinda waiting to see how ppl liked them becuase i am a believer of you get what you pay for and the price one those seemed too good to be true The Obsidian products are more of a "get more than you pay for". Obviously I'm a firm believer in the products. Great performance for a superb bargain. ...I could charge you more for the subwoofers if it would make you feel better.
  9. Sweet looking enclosure plans! Keep us updated how the end result turns out.
  10. Thats why i posted that option /.I rep both companies...so i can sell him either ...what ever he wants Yeah, I know you do lol I was basically just kinda letting him know that the companies are linked in a way. Lol like when I ordered my obsidians I sent payment to stereo integrity and recieved a tracking number from sundown We use Sundown Audio's shipping hub, which is why it says Obsidian Audio packages originate from Sundown Audio.
  11. We offer both dual 2 Ohm and dual 4 Ohm. http://obsidiancaraudio.com/index.php?id=9
  12. It's all about making your system work the best with what you have to work with. You can't ignore Hoffman's Iron Law; a small enclosure will help with power handling but you will sacrifice low end extension and efficiency because of the size of the box. No way around it. Shipping time depends on where you live. We are in NC, so hop on FedEx's web site to check on transit times.
  13. 2 ft^3 ported for a 15" is a bit small. If you're talking about a single 12" that volume and tuning is perfect. For a 15" try to stay between 3 ft^3 to 3.5 ft^3 ported to 35 or 32 Hz.
  14. Very true. A box can make or break subwoofer performance. Stick to what is recommended on our site and you'll have a great subwoofer/box combo!
  15. The Obsidian's are definitely not sloppy so you won't have anything to worry about if you choose that route. Kam311 just got his two 12's installed and likes them from the sounds of it. The Obsidian's can play very low if you want them to and can handle a bit more power than what they are rated at. You won't see me say much more on the power handling, but you can browse around and see how much power we have sent them in our YouTube videos and also on our Facebook page and vendor sections on other forums (up to a clamped 2700 watts on our single 15" for a burp doing a 149.6 sealed up on the dash).
  16. Paco's all like "yeah man, I need to do a build log" but I don't see a build log. Get on it Paco!!!
  17. Accordman, did you mean to say that you are a rep for my company? I do resent the comment that I "turned my back on" my customers because out of the eight years we have been in business we have received more emails asking about mounting depth and enclosure size than we have about ported alignments. So if by "turning my back on" my customers by listening to them, then I gues I turned my back on them. The Mag was originally designed for small sealed applications and at that time we didn't know as much about driver design as we do now and when the first generation Mag came out it just happened to really slam when placed in medium-sized ported enclosures. We know why they did that and we continued to produce them to perform like that because that was what was available to us at the time. And these "US Made" build houses are using Chinese parts. There's nothing "US" about them other than assembly...and maybe a voice coil or two...but even that is changing as some Chinese build houses are using better glue on the windings now. 80% or more of the people who have purchased a Mag first-hand or second-hand are running them sealed. The only people who port them usually end up selling them in exchange for a pure SPL monster because they get wrapped up in the competition side of things. But even then you see posts all over the place where people are saying that they wish they had their Mag back because after all the time they swapped out other subs the Mag still sounded better. Sounded better. That's the reason we went back to small sealed...except we took it to the extreme and knocked off 1.25" of mounting depth, kept 1000 watts of power handling, and increased the SQ by about two-fold. The new Mag is a completely different beast that shines in small sealed boxes. Jacob had 3 different versions of the Mag and he ran them all sealed. All of my installs were always sealed due to space constraints. All of my local customers wanted sealed. Most of my emails were about mounting depth and a small enclosure.
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