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Everything posted by str86diesel

  1. Here's a basic install sheet from autometer http://www.autometer.com/productPDF/1077B.pdf
  2. I don't follow hondas sorry..what year is a 6th gen? My first guess is that it is probably computer controlled like my truck.
  3. If you don't have a tach..you can do it by ear. Just compare the sound rythem to another vehicle. You should be able to go off of the sound of the valves ticking (easiest way). Being the issues that your cars had. I'd just crank it up a 1/8 to 1/4 turn, give it a shot. If you still have issues..give it another 1/8 - 1/4 turn. Just play it by ear. Once the engine is warm it shouldn't take you but a moment to get it leveled out.
  4. x2..that's your pressure valve to fill it up. Take a pressure reading before filling it up. To little coolant will cause the compressure to freeze...to much and the system won't work.
  5. yeah that would explain why it can't hold an idle to good. Typically you want it at about the 700-800 range. Usually I put idle's around 800 that way they hold tight in the cold weather and warm up faster in the warm weather.
  6. adjust it when the motor is warm. Do you have a tach, where is she idling now? She should be about 800
  7. Been on the AT&T...ohh I mean Cingular..no I mean AT&T network for over 10 years now...I travel like a mofo both nationally and internationally and never had a problem. BTW Nismo..the blackjack sucks!!! Traded that POS in for a Pearl and never looked back. The Blackjack never got more than a day of battery and dropped calls all the time. Most networks are only as good as the phone itself
  8. Definately crank it a little more. Typically you want the idle a little on the rich side.
  9. It sounds like you are about there..good job. Does your carb have an idle adjustment? If so I'd crank it up just a tad. Sounds like she is idling low.
  10. I actually use water/meth in my truck. It's almost like running propane..or a higher octane gas, but it burns tons cooler. I am only running a small stage 2 kit, just to supplement the fuel and keep my EGT's down (being that I haven't swapped out the turbo or exhaust on the new rig)...but I love the water/meth setup. Extremely reliable and easy to work with. http://www.snowperformance.net/product.php?pk=25
  11. Bitch won't hang up the damn cell phone and cuts me off cause i'm on my motorcycle....FUCK THAT!
  12. Wow...I've been kind of low key lately, as I knew this day was coming and I knew like past years it would be extremely painful. Like others on this board..I actually grew up with Danny as well. The Murphy family actually lived 4 houses down from my family. I just sit here in a daze remembering back when the Murphy's moved into their house (I was 1 1/2 years old), back when Steve, Danny, Jeff and my brother used to hang out playing practical jokes on everybody. As Burrito stated, I will never forget that Datsun that Danny had. Nor that old school grey chevy stepside truck that his family had...Ohh and Steve, what about that old school stang that used to shoot flames out of the tailpipe..lmao I still have a picture of when Danny came out with this Black Nissan. He was so proud of his first new truck..it again, was the first truck in the neighborhood to be slammed down to the ground. The sparkle in his eye when he got his first set of Chrome KMC rims... I remember Steve and Danny putting together the stereo system in that truck....the old school alphasonic amps they were installing. Damn..them were the days. Danny may be gone..but he'll never be forgotten. RIP Danny.... ***Pour'n Ole E for ya brutha***
  13. Just a heads up. After the installation is complete and you reboot. You might not be able to get to the internet. I was fighting with a machine yesterday in which couldn't do any name resolution, but I can surf via ip. The cure..turn off the internet worm security.
  14. I agree with what dale was saying, I was just giving another option to look at if the port really had to be opened. I actually work on firewalls for a living, so I totally understand good practice for what should and should not be opened and why As far as the Cisco dynamic port opening. I actually use this on a pair of ASA5510's and as long as you stick to CLI and stay away from the GUI its pretty simple, you just have to understand the concept of what is happening.
  15. 100% agree. Don't open any ports unless people from the outside need to get into your computers on this port. Just use NAT to get out. If you need to open a port though, on a linksys, go to "Gaming & Application" and then assign port forwarding. Also, before you do anything, I'd go out to linksys.com and upload the new firmware, they have a lot of bug fixes finally resolved.
  16. Big Time. As resistance changes..everything changes! Chris - Per your comment about it being a 70's caddy...Here is the problem. Tranny fluid is not combustable. Flammable yes, combustable no. So what happens with the tranny fluid in which can not be blasted out of the exhaust chamber? It creates a scenario called piston wash down. What happens, is that the fluid sits in the combustion chamber and starts working it's way down the piston chambers (remember, the fluid doesn't combust) and eventually mixes with the oil. Oil as it is used starts oxidating, which makes it acidic. So when you add a lubricant with an acidic substance, you get a chemical reaction that makes the oil even more acidic. So this fluid starts eating away the engine at a faster than normal pace. The only way to get it out is to thoroughly flush out all of the oil. This is not a good scenario to be in
  17. Is this before or after an initial warm-up? Vapor lock is what is on my head, which is why i ask.
  18. before you swap out the ecu, see if the dealer can just throw a reflash on it. There is a huge chance that the ecu isn't bad, but that it had a bad flash, which is why the original owned got rid of it. I have seen this far to many times.
  19. no, it will not affect the A/F ratio. It's just a timing thing as to how fast the engine will spin when not in gear. Usually for racing you jack the idle way up for better take offs.
  20. First of all, putting transmission fluid into your fuel tank is about the dumbest thing I have heard. This use to be a trick on old tracters, as off road diesel fuel didn't have all of the lubricants that todays fuels have. So farmers used to use transmission fluid as a lube. Todays motors are not designed for these kinds of fluids and it will cause more harm than good. it really sounds like a fuel or carb issue. I'd personally drop the car off at a mechanic to be tuned.
  21. 4 i attempt to drive and the engine is knocking or something... "almost dies and has lil power" this statement from above then leads me back to bad gas. Typically knocking comes from lack of octane. Have you tried draining your tank as stated above? It could be either bad gas or sediment. How much fuel have you run through the new filter? It might be wise to run some fuel off and then pull that filter and inspect it.
  22. it sounds like the choke is stuck open and the warmer the car gets, the worse it acts...which would make sense. I'd have your carb guy take a look at the adjustments that he made. He might have to find tune it, now that the weather is getting warmer.
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