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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. I'm getting Chinese Food today.

  2. I'm having a mid day affair with Paula Dean and her addiction to butter ya'll!

  3. I'm having another what the fuck day. And this day is by far one of the worse days I've ever had to experience.

  4. I'm looking at the Town. Damn that guy from the Hurt Locker got fucked up.

  5. I'm looking at this Law and Order SVU with Jill Scott beating her sister who suffers from MS. Man Jill Scott looks hot beating that handicapped woman with a sock full of bolts. Sexy in a psychotic crazy way.

  6. I'm mad as fuck at Allstate. They want to cancel me for non payment on auto insurance and I have now four yes four cleared checks showing that I've paid them over $200 since April 5. Because of this and the fact that they didn't even call me to tell me that there was a problem, I'm about to drop their asses. They got my money and want to drop me for insurance that is only $87 a month. Fuck out of here.

  7. I'm not feeling good at all today.

  8. I'm tired and sleepy. I think today I'm going straight home after work.

  9. I've been working since 6 this morning and I'm nowhere near done. And the Microsoft rep kinda sounds more confused about the issue than me. Maybe I should have his damn job cause he's doesn't seem to understand shit right now.

  10. I've called both doctors and can't see either of them till tomorrow morning.

  11. I've decided that Facebook's smiley/emoticons suck. I will therefore create my own and use them throughout Facebook to convey my expression of meaning. So instead of this :-)

  12. I've decided to sit outside on my front porch shirtless to give the neighbor and view of the big black man.

    1. Bship


      This just made my day, hah, you show that ass clown what's up.

  13. I've foamed my wood now. Oh yeah shit just got real.

  14. I've seen more cock in the Hangover 2 then I did in any other R rated movie known to man. Man this movie was pretty fucking funny.

  15. I've spent the entire day looking at nothing but West Cost Customs on the DVR. Looking at rides that way I would do them if I was freaking wealthy. Oh happy happy joy joy happy happy joy!

    1. BeachJoshua


      They know how to fuck some shit up as well as make it look nice... You can drop all the money you want in a ride and it still look like complete shit.

  16. If you have a wonderful man, who helps balance your whole world, who isn't perfect but is perfect for you, who works hard & would do anything for you, who makes you laugh & drives you crazy, who is your best friend, who you want to grow old with, who you are thankful for everyday, & who you couldn't live without, brag about him a little and post this as your status. Oh LeVar you're my every man's man.

    1. BeatBox


      You like a mans man? Tha FAWK?! lol

  17. In my monday kick ass mode

    1. BeatBox


      im in my pay bills and be kinda broke mode

  18. Infamous is by far one of the most frustrating games I've ever played. I'm glad I didn't buy this shit.

  19. Is it me or did that fucking beaver lie, cause its snowing again and we're only 48 hours away from it being April. This is just freaking crazy.

  20. Is it so wrong to crave the other white meat?

    1. Bakerman


      Baby...the other other white meat!

  21. Is not feeling good at all.

  22. Is so ready for my work day to be over with.

  23. Is watching sucker punched at the mills

  24. Is working from home today I need to get a lot of work done and can't seem to focus while at the office.

  25. It is now time for me to awake from my slumber. I've got a bird that I have to dry, season, talk nasty too, then deep fry that son a mu bitch in about three gallons of hot ass peanut oil. Oh the joys of Thanksgiving.

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