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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. Oh yes another joyful day of work today. I can't wait either. Yay for me!

  2. Time to get up and head to work. But a warning to all, avoid Shopperz from Amazon. They are by far the worst vendors that Amazon support. Almost 30 days and I haven't received my item yet. And it was suppose to be here according to them 6 days ago.

  3. So today's failures. I had a lawyer tell me he couldn't take my case cause he wanted like $400 a month in payments. So now I have to find another lawyer to take on my case. And failure #2, I can't get new home owners insurance without consulting the ........... Well you all get the point, just an over all shitty afternoon.

    1. mr.p


      Balls deeep!

  4. Time to head into the job, hope everyone has a good week.

  5. So I guess Cleveland won tonight as well. LBJ not greater than MJ. Jordan never lost a finals. Kobe lost two out of seven. LBJ zero out of two.

  6. Was at the Pagan picnic at Tower Grove Park today. Had a good time there. Now I'm waiting for these finals to start.

  7. Infamous is by far one of the most frustrating games I've ever played. I'm glad I didn't buy this shit.

  8. So my fucked up week has now got even more fucked up when my mortgage has now officially gone into delinquent. Now all I need is a heart attack to finally finish the fucking job. Oh btw, tell that dyke legal spouse of mines, that she needs to get her shit out of the basement. Since she's no longer paying storage fees that shit going to be sold to pay off her non-May mortgage payment.

    1. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      everything i see you post is negative, try staying positive and maybe things will change for the better.

  9. I guess I need to get ready to log into work here. The job of a level 1 infrastructure specialist is never done. Oh wait that's right I'm not a level 1 infrastructure specialist, I'm the bitch boy to a level 1 infrastructure specialist. I get to do all the level 1 stuff without the level 1 pay. Yay!

  10. A wise man told me to never look at a pretty lady and see tits and ass. But instead look at that pretty lady and see tears and screams, cause that what she's going to ultimately give you. Emotional outbreaks and nasty attitude. I think I've finally seen the light.

  11. So far two reboots and it still hasn't brought up the Cyanogen ROM yet. I'm just stuck at the freaking splash screen for Cyanogen.

  12. By 2014 I predict that Nintendo will be a software developer just like Sega.

  13. So I seriously just got a notice from DirecTV saying that I forgot to pay them literally $1.24. Really I was about to loose cable tv access over one dollar, two dimes and four pennies. Yeah I'm starting to loose it over here.

    1. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      thats why i got dish

  14. So now that I know where I stands at wirth every thing now I can start making the moves I need to.

  15. Time got a new phone rom. The dark cocoa red rom has to go. The shit is killing my battery like no tomorrow.

  16. So I'm sitting at my dads house wasting this finals game. I wonder if Dallas is going to pull this off.

  17. Well I guess I'm done working on the box today. My drill bit broke in one of the boards, I guess that was a sign telling me to stop it for a bit. Now I just need to find something other to do then play this video game.

  18. At the baseball game.

  19. Has filed a case with the Better Business Bureau against the Hubcap and Wheel Store.

  20. Can somebody help me figure out how to file a small claims lawsuit in st ann?

  21. I've seen more cock in the Hangover 2 then I did in any other R rated movie known to man. Man this movie was pretty fucking funny.

  22. After dealing with a soar throat, cutting the grass and BBQing for my family, I can finally just sit the hell down and relax a bit. Pork ribs, pork steaks, brats, dogs, burgers, and snoop all done.

  23. Gigolos on showtime. My future career maybe.

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